Requirements To Study Carpentry In South Africa

What Is Carpentry

Carpentry is a skilled trade and a craft in which the primary work performed is the cutting, shaping and installation of building materials during the construction of buildings, ships, timber bridges, concrete formwork, etc

Entry Requirements To Study Carpentry In South Africa

Degree LevelA high school diploma or equivalent is required; associate’s degree preferred
Degree FieldCarpentry
Training3-4 year apprenticeship
Key SkillsManual dexterity, attention to detail; strong math and problem-solving skills; strength, stamina, focus; basic computer skills and experience using a variety of hand and power tools including chisels, levels, sanders, saws, and nail guns
Median Salary R 740930.27(for carpenters)

What skills and abilities are required to become a Carpenter?

Must be good at working with their hands

Must have physical stamina and strength

Must have good business skills. Self-employed carpenters must be able to bid for new jobs, track inventory, and plan work assignments

Must be detail-oriented

Must have a very logical mind and excel in problem-solving situations

Must be able to take exact measurements and work accurately

Must be good at maths

What duties and tasks does a Carpenter perform?

Carefully study blueprints and sketches

Execute measuring activities

Cut, shape and smooth the needed material

Build stairways, doors and window frames, partitions and rafters

Carve and assemble furniture, kitchen cabinets and drywalls

Layout floorings, roofings or drywalls to ensure they are levelled and compatible

What should I do if I want to study Carpentry?

Contact your nearest TVET College to enquire about the entrance requirements to do the Carpentry course

Visit carpenters or carpentrybusinesses to gain more knowledge about the field and what it entails

Contact DHET Career Development Services to provide you with free quality career information, advice and counselling services on 086 999 0123 or e-mail:

Go for an aptitude test to help understand if a career in Carpentry is for you

Attend Career Exhibitions in your area to liaise with higher learning institutions and obtain application forms

Schools Offering Carpentry In South Africa

Crane Carpentry School In South Africa

Africa Skills

Northlink College Carpentry Course

Vistech Carpentry & Roofing Course

Furniture Technology Centre

Eastcape Training Centre

The Mercury School of Woodwork

Zama Training and Development

Ekurhuleni Artisans and Skills Training Centre

Makers Academy Comprehensive Carpentry Course

What subjects are needed for carpentry In South Africa ?

You’ll need to complete N1, N2 and N3 certification and subsequently a trade test. There are also short courses that take up to four weeks and after getting your carpentry certificate, you should be able to read and interpret drawings and prepare the work area, tools, equipment and materials accordingly.

What qualifications do carpenters need In South Africa ?

You’ll need:

knowledge of building and construction.

to be thorough and pay attention to detail.

knowledge of maths.

the ability to work well with others.

the ability to work well with your hands.

the ability to use, repair and maintain machines and tools.

the ability to work on your own.

excellent verbal communication skills.

How long does it take to become a carpenter In South Africa ?

High school graduates may advance to apprenticeship, vocational, or technical programs. Generally, training to become a skilled carpenter requires 3-4 years of on-the-job instruction and formal education (either in person or through online carpenter school).

What are the 4 skills for beginning carpenters In South Africa ?

Learn beginner-level carpentry skills, including the fundamentals of build such as measuring, marking, cutting, nailing, tools, and other aids. “Level twice, build once.” Constantly checking and rechecking is a key to good building.

Do you have to be good at math to be a carpenter In South Africa ?

Basic math skills are a must for any carpenter. Carpenters use arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus and statistics to measure materials, add up volumes and complete other project-planning tasks. Carpenter math skills are essential, and often taught in the apprenticeship course.

How many hours does a carpenter work a day In South Africa ?

8 hours

carpenters work a standard 40 hour week with 8 hours a day and 5 days a week. Depending on the demands of the project, other carpenters may work different hours. There are times when you need to work overtime in construction.

Is there a high demand for carpenters In South Africa ?

Employment of carpenters is projected to grow 8 percent from 2016 to 2026, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Population growth should result in more new-home construction the largest segment employing carpenters which will require many new workers