Requirement To Study Orthodontics In South Africa

What Is Orthodontics

Orthodontics is a dentistry specialty that addresses the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of mal-positioned teeth and jaws, and misaligned bite patterns. It may also address the modification of facial growth, known as dent facial orthopedics. Abnormal alignment of the teeth and jaws is very common.

Entry Requirements To Study Orthodontics In South Africa

DegreeRequirements National Senior CertificateDurationCareer Opportunity
Dentistry (BDS)Full matriculation exemption with a symbol in Mathematics and Physical Science of at least E on higher grade and C on standard grade. The minimum rating for consideration for entrance into BDS is 12Mathematics 5
Physical Sciences 5
Language of learning (English) 4
Life Sciences 5
Life Orientation 3
Additional subject 4
Additional subject 4
5 yearsA Dentist’s work ranges from the prevention of tooth decay, preparing and filling of cavities to highly intricate tooth reconstruction and realignment procedures, as well as exciting methods to perfect the appearance of the mouth, teeth and surrounding tissues.
A Dentist can work in Private Practice, Public dental services, Academic dentistry

Schools Offering Orthodontics In South Africa

Wits University – Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry

Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences – Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Pathology, Radiology and Orthodontics

University of Pretoria – Orthodontics

UWC – Orthodontics & Paediatric Dentistry

How do you become an orthodontist in South Africa?

According to the South African Society of Orthodontists, it can take 10 or more years of education after high school to graduate as an orthodontist. After obtaining an undergraduate degree from a dental school, the future orthodontist must be accepted as a student in an accredited orthodontic programme.

Where can I study to be an orthodontist in South Africa?

Orthodontics from University of Pretoria has grown to be one of the largest health training institutions in the country and boasts an undergraduate student corps of over 6 000.

How much does an orthodontist make in South Africa?

Almost 2,000 respondents living and working in South Africa participated in the online survey, which aimed to measure job-related stress based on several stress triggers.

10 least stressful jobs worldwide.

OccupationStress level (out of 100)Average annual salary (rands)
Orthodontist67R520 000
Optometrist70R240 000

How much does it cost to study dentistry in South Africa?

The cost of becoming a dentist in South Africa varies from university to university. However, you can expect to pay from R40 000 – R100 000 a year.

Is an orthodontist a doctor in South Africa ?

An orthodontist can work in a dental office and provide the same care as a dentist. So in this respect, they are quite similar. They are both considered doctors, and deal with the teeth and gums.

How long is dentistry in South Africa?


The Bachelor of Dental Science (BDS) is a five-year, full-time course. Years one to three focus on bioethics, health law and dent

What subjects do you need to study dentistry in South Africa?

You have to offer the core prerequisite subjects for dentistry in high school. In South Africa, the important subjects to study dentistry are Mathematics, Life Sciences, and the English Language. You need to offer these courses before planning to attend a university in pursuit of a dentistry degree.

Can I become a dentist without A levels in South Africa ?

If you do not have the necessary A Level grades to get into Dentistry, you will still have the opportunity to Become A Dentist. In effect, this turns your Dental course into a 6 year degree, rather than the usual 5 years. You will study the biology and chemistry required to establish the foundations for Dentistry.