Public Hospitals In South Africa

What is a Public Hospital?

A public hospital, or government hospital, is a hospital that is government-owned and is fully funded by the government and operates solely

off the money that is collected from taxpayers to fund healthcare initiatives.

Public Hospitals In South Africa

How many public hospitals are there in South Africa?

There are more than 400 public hospitals and more than 200 private hospitals. The provincial health departments manage the larger regional hospitals directly.

Smaller hospitals and primary care clinics are managed at the district level.

Who funds public hospitals in South Africa?

Specialists are required at these hospitals because patients with serious conditions are treated there. Most of the South African public health system is funded by a National Revenue Fund,

which collects payments made to local, provincial, and federal governments.

What is the biggest public hospital in South Africa?

Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital is a hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa, it is the largest hospital in Africa and the third largest hospital in the world.

It has 6,760 staff members, 3,400 beds, and occupies 70 ha (170 acres). The hospital is located in the Soweto area south of Johannesburg.