The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a public entity reporting to the Department of Higher Education and Training. NSFAS provides financial assistance in the form of a study bursary to qualifying students who wish to study or are already studying at TVET colleges and public universities.
Applicants who are approved for NSFAS funding are covered for the following:
- Registration
- Tuition
Allowances for:
- Food
- Accommodation or transport
- Learning material
- Personal care
You qualify for an NSFAS bursary if you are a South African citizen who plans to study in 2024 or you are already studying at a public university or TVET college and you meet the following requirements:
- SASSA grant recipients or
- Your combined household income is not more than R350 000 per year or
- Person with a disability with a combined household income of not more than R600 000 per year or
- Student who begun their university studies before 2018 and their household income is not more than R122 000 per year
NSFAS may need more information from you to process your application, check what supporting documents are required, and ensure that you have all the relevant information.
You will need the following to complete your NSFAS application:
Documents needed to verify your NSFAS funding application
Take note of the below important documents needed to complete the application:
1 All applicants must provide a copy of ID. A temporary ID issued by the Department of Home Affairs will be accepted
2 Non-SASSA applicants must provide ID copies of parent/s, legal guardian/guardian or spouse
3 Smart ID cards: a copy with both sides of the smart ID must be provided
4 Proof of income: applicant and/or parents/legal guardian/spouse (where applicable (non-SASSA) should provide latest payslip not older 3 months, UIF letter, appointment letter, retrenchment letter (applicant and/or parent(s), legal guardian/spouse)
5 Person with disabilities: to complete Disability Annexure A form.
Once your funding application becomes successful, NSFAS will cover your costs for
- Accommodation
- Transport
- Living allowance
- Book allowances
- Incidental/personal care allowance
If you are unable to complete the application by yourself, you can visit a National Youth Development Agency Centre, a Thusong Centre or one of our application partner’s centre near you, where a NSFAS representative will help you apply.
You can apply online using a cellphone, tablet or computer. Follow these simple steps to apply:
Step 1: Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab
Step 2: Create a myNSFAS account
Step 3: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and answer the questions on the screen
Step 4: Upload the required supporting documents then click on ‘submit’
After you click on ‘submit’, your application reference number will appear on the screen. The reference number will also be sent to the cellphone number and email address you provided.
NSFAS Application Closing Date 2024
Applications will close on the January 31, 2024
How do I apply for Nsfas 2024?
You can apply online using a cellphone, tablet or computer. Follow these simple steps to apply:
Step 1: Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab
Step 2: Create a myNSFAS account
Step 3: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and answer the questions on the screen
Step 4: Upload the required supporting documents then click on ‘submit’
After you click on ‘submit’, your application reference number will appear on the screen. The reference number will also be sent to the cellphone number and email address you provided.
When Nsfas will open For 2024?
The applications system will be open from 21 November 2023 until 31 January 2024 when
the NSC results are released.
Who qualifies for Nsfas funding?
You qualify for a NSFAS bursary if you are a South African citizen who plans to study in 2024 or you are already studying at a public university or TVET college and you meet the following requirements:
- South African citizens or permanent residents
- SASSA grant recipients
- Applicants whose combined gross household income is not more than R350 000 per year
- Persons with disabilities whose combined gross household income is not more than R600 000 per year.
- Must have email account and cell phone number.
Who do not qualify for Nsfas funding?
• Students who have completed a previous qualification, unless they apply for an approved funded post-graduate qualification.
• Students who have already applied and received funding in previous years. They are automatically funded for the
duration of their studies, provided they pass their modules and meet the academic requirements.
How much does Nsfas give students per month in 2024?
R 290 per month. Payable to all NSF-AS Qualifying Bursary Students. Paid Monthly from February to November 2021. R 735 per month.
What Does The Bursary Cover?
Once your funding application becomes successful, NSFAS will cover your costs for:
- Accommodation
- Living allowance
- Learning material allowance
- Personal care allowance
If you are studying at the University of South Africa (UNISA) you will receive funding for:
- Tuition
- Books (subject to the number of modules registered)
- Personal care allowance
If you are eligible student with disability, you will receive funding for:
- Assistive Devices
- Meals
- Tuition
- Transport
- Tuition
- Human Support
- Accommodation
Allowances, excluding human support, for students living with disabilities attending TVET Colleges will as of 2023 be supported directly by the NSFAS.
Required Supporting documents during the application process
Students with disabilities must provide:
A completed and signed Disability Annexure A Form:
Students recognised as vulnerable child must provide:
An applicant who is recognised as a vulnerable child by the Department of Social Development must provide completed and Vulnerable Child Declaration form completed by a social worker:
Other documents that may be required, if applicable:
- Retrenchment letter
- Death certificate/s
- Divorce Decree
- Proof of legal guardianship
- Marriage certificate
- other documents may be required for appeal purposes,….eg retrenchment letter
Based on the application type, the system will generate a list of required documents for upload.
Does Nsfas give you a laptop?
NSFAS has decided to give students laptops to give them access to online learning during Covid-19. This comes as Universities and TVET Colleges implement online learning and close down campuses to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
Do you pay back Nsfas?
All loans are only paid back to NSFAS after you have graduated or left university or college, found employment/ in business, and earning R30 000 or more per annum. If you are still studying or unemployed, you are not required to start making repayments.
Does Nsfas have an age limit?
There is no age restriction on being a student. Anyone with the required academic background who is admitted to study in a public higher education institution and meets the criteria for financial assistance will receive funding.
Can Nsfas fund you twice?
If you are currently funded by NSFAS, you are not required to reapply. A student can only be funded for one qualification at one institution at any one time.
Can I apply for Nsfas online?
Yes, You can apply online using a cellphone, tablet or computer. Follow these simple steps to apply
You can apply online using a cellphone, tablet or computer. Follow these simple steps to apply:
Step 1: Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab
Step 2: Create a myNSFAS account
Step 3: Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab and answer the questions on the screen
Step 4: Upload the required supporting documents then click on ‘submit’
After you click on ‘submit’, your application reference number will appear on the screen. The reference number will also be sent to the cellphone number and email address you provided.
Will Nsfas fund me if I fail a module?
What happens if you fail a few subjects or modules? According to the NSFAS policy agreement, students must pass at least 50% of their modules as well as meet the academic requirements of their institution in order to continue receiving financial aid during the course of their study period.