Music Registration In South Africa

What is Music?

In the most general of terms, music is the arrangement of sound to create some combination of form, harmony, melody, rhythm, or otherwise expressive content. 

Music Registration In South Africa

A copy of your identification.

Composer, author, and publisher information (s)

Email and text messaging

Postal and residential addresses

Form of Work Notification

How much does it cost to register music in South Africa?

The fee is R100 for Composers and Authors and R500 for Publishers. Current SAMRO Members are exempt from paying the fee.

To apply, submit the SAMRO Member Application form, Notification of Works form, Deed of Assignment form, and a copy of your ID.

How long does it take to register music in South Africa?

Once all the required documents are received and correctly filled in, the process can take two weeks to a month.

Feel free to check in with SAMRO after this period to confirm that your registration has been accepted.