Mercury Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Mercury?

Mercury Suppliers In South Africa

Is it legal to buy mercury in South Africa?

South Africa is phasing out products containing mercury, with the aim of banning the import, export, and manufacturing of certain goods by April 2023.

How much is red mercury in South Africa?

Per gram of red mercury costs R400 to R500, which can cost 6179 Rands to 7724 Rands. When its supplies get low it ranges from 8000 Rands to 10000 Rands.

If you want to buy the purest form of red mercury, it is the most expensive thing ever.

What is mercury used for in South Africa?

Approximately 20 000 miners participate in artisanal smallscale gold mining (ASM) activities in South Africa.

The use of mercury increases with ASM activities because it is used to make an amalgam with gold during ore processing.

What was mercury used to cure?

For more than 3,000 years, mercury and its derivatives have been used as anti-parasitic drugs, anti-syphilis, antipruritic, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, dental amalgams, and substitutes.