Medical Loans In South Africa

What Are Medical Loans?

A medical loan is a special type of personal loan that’s only used to pay for medical care. Typically available through traditional banks and online lenders, medical loans are usually unsecured loans, meaning they’re not tied to any collateral. This makes them safer if you end up defaulting, because the lenders can’t take any property from you, such as repossessing your car.

On the other hand, this also means you’ll usually need better credit to qualify. And even with good credit, unsecured loans can be more expensive than those that are secured. You may also have to pay higher origination fees if your credit score isn’t the best.

Medical Loans In South Africa?

Benefits of Medical Loans

Medical loans can be especially handy if you need to pay for a large healthcare expense. And there’s certainly no shortage of those right now in the American healthcare world. This type of loan can allow you to get a procedure done to improve your quality of life now, rather than waiting potentially for years to save up the cash.

For example, LASIK procedures are frequently financed. Most LASIK surgeries cost several thousand dollars, and if your vision is bad your only other real option is to wear glasses or contacts for the rest of your life.

Financing the surgery now and paying it off over time can allow you to get the surgery done sooner. That’s an important consideration given that—as with many types of medical procedures—the earlier the operation is done, the better.

Where to Find Medical Loans

You can find medical loans in many of the same places as regular personal loans. There are many online lenders that offer medical loans, and some banks and credit unions also offer them.

Many healthcare providers also offer medical loans. You may be more likely to find these at a doctor’s office that offers expensive elective procedures, such as cosmetic dentistry or plastic surgery. Doctors in these cases know that patients are more likely to pay these bills out-of-pocket, so they often have more financing options available than your average family physician.

Medical Loans for Bad Credit

One of the downsides of medical loans being unsecured is that you generally need good or excellent credit to qualify. This means you’ll likely need a score in the range of 670 to 739 or higher to qualify. But that’s not always the case—there are lenders out there who do offer medical loans for bad credit.

Make sure you’re extra careful to do your homework in these cases, however. As we’ll discuss in the last section, getting a medical loan to pay for your healthcare is convenient, but it’s far from your only option. Medical loans for bad credit (or any loan for bad credit, for that matter) come with much higher interest rates, to the point that you might not be able to afford the monthly payments.

What to Consider When Choosing a Medical Loan

Here are some questions to ask yourself before you take out a medical loan:

  • What is the interest rate? Medical loan interest rates typically range from 4.99% to 35.99%. As a comparison, the average two-year personal loan rate in August 2020 was 9.34% APR, according to the Federal Reserve.
  • What are my other options? Getting a medical loan can seem like your only option, but it’s probably not. Make sure you see what else is available to you.
  • Who is the money paid out to? Will the money be sent to you directly, or to the doctor?
  • What are the monthly payments? Is this something that you can afford in your budget? If not, is there room to make adjustments to your current expenses?
  • How much will I pay in total interest? Ask the lender or use a personal loan calculator to see how much you’ll pay in interest over the life of the loan. Are you comfortable with that number?

Pros and Cons of Medical Loans

Here are some quick highlights to help you see whether a medical loan might be right for you:


  • No collateral needed
  • Can often get the funds you need quickly
  • Wide range of uses, including for elective and cosmetic procedures


  • Can be very expensive compared to alternatives
  • May require good to excellent credit

Alternatives to Medical Loans

Paying for healthcare often seems like a puzzle, and medical loans are only one possible piece. Here are some other things to consider first before jumping to the most expensive option:

Hire a Medical Billing Advocate

You practically need to be an expert to understand the medical billing and payment system in the U.S. today. If you’re not an expert in this area—and most of us, in fact, are not—you might consider hiring a medical billing advocate.

The services that these businesses offer may vary, but generally, it’s like hiring a personal assistant for your medical bills. They can go through your bills line-by-line to search out billing errors (spoiler alert: they’re surprisingly common, and can be horribly expensive), negotiate payment plans or reduced charges, among other services.

Better yet, many medical billing advocates only charge you a percentage of the savings they’re able to get for you. Still others charge on an hourly basis, but either way, it can be well worth your time, sanity and money to hire someone to help you.

Set Up a Payment Plan With the Doctor or Hospital

When you get a doctor’s bill, often it’ll say “due in full” on it. But here’s the kicker: That’s not always the case. But to find out the true due date, you’ll need to contact the billing department. Most healthcare providers are actually quite willing to work with you on setting up a payment plan, especially for healthcare that’s not optional.

This is usually a far better route to go than simply signing up for a medical loan right off the bat, because healthcare providers often provide these payment plans at a low interest rate, or even interest-free. Unlike the auto industry, for example, they’re generally in the business of providing healthcare and that’s what they want to get paid for—not spendy finance plans.

Get a Medical Credit Card

If your doctor’s office isn’t willing to work with you on a payment plan and you really do need to finance your healthcare, another option is a medical credit card. These are special credit cards that can only be used with certain healthcare providers, so make sure your doctor’s office accepts them before you sign up. CareCredit is one popular option, for example.

Medical credit cards are handy because you can use them for ongoing costs, such as therapy or frequent treatments like allergy shots. But again, they tend to have APRs between 4.99% and 35.99%, making them more expensive than many loans.

You also can keep an eye out for zero-financing promotional deals. These are quite common, but unlike true 0% APR credit cards, they’re often “deferred interest” cards.

That means that if you don’t pay the bill off entirely by the end of the promotional period, you’ll have to pay all of the interest you thought you were avoiding, so in reality you don’t get any savings at all. It’s a sneaky tactic, so make sure you’re on the lookout for it and don’t take on any more debt than you can pay off by the end of the deferred interest period.

Seek Out Financial Assistance Through the Hospital or a Charity

Finally, there are many places that offer assistance with paying your medical bills. Many larger healthcare providers like hospitals and medical networks have pots of money that are essentially scholarships to pay for healthcare for people in need. Check with your doctor’s office to see if they have any such financial assistance programs.

There are also many charities at national, state and local levels that can help you pay your medical bills if you’re in need. For example, the HealthWell Foundation and the Patient Access Network are two nationwide charities that help with a range of bills. Many charities offer help for any and all medical bills if you qualify. Others are specific to certain diseases such as cancer or autoimmune diseases, or focus on children or people in certain professions.

Don’t count this resource out. It might take a bit of time and Google sleuthing on your part to find these charities, but if you qualify, these are often your best option because it’s free money. The money is there to help you, after all, so make sure you take advantage of it.