Mealie Meal Prices In South Africa

What is Mealie Meal

Mielie meal, also known as mealie meal or maize meal, is a relatively coarse flour made from maize or mealies in Southern Africa, from the Portuguese milho. It is also known by various other indigenous language names depending on the locality or country

Mealie Meal Prices In South Africa

Nature’s Choice Polenta Maize Meal 1kg

R 51.95

Super Maize Meal 1 X 10KG


Super Maize Meal 1 X 10KG


What is the price of maize in South Africa?

The producer prices of maize have changed across major maize production regions in South Africa. One kilo of South Africa Maize is around US $28.27 in Johannesburg and Cape Town, packed and ready for export. The price in ZAR currency is 1.9746595.

What is mealie meal in South Africa?

Image result for Mealie Meal Prices In South Africa

Mielie meal, also known as mealie meal or maize meal, is a relatively coarse flour (much coarser than cornflour or cornstarch) made from maize or mealies in Southern Africa, from the Portuguese milho. It is also known by various other indigenous language names depending on the locality or country.

How is maize meal made in South Africa?

Maize meal is made up of ground up dried white maize kernels. The ground maize is then sifted to various degrees – unsifted maize meal still contains all the components of the seed like fibre, while highly sifted or refined white maize meal has a low fibre content.

What is pap in South Africa?

Pap is a kind of porridge made from maize meal and can be cooked to be runny, soft or stiff. Any time of the day is a great time to enjoy pap – breakfast, lunch or supper. It is a staple in many homes, mainly thanks to its cost and versatility.