Maize Meal Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Maize Meal?

Mielie meal, also known as mealie meal or maize meal, is a relatively coarse flour made from maize or mealies in Southern Africa, from the Portuguese milho.

Maize Meal Suppliers In South Africa

Indlovu Milling services local and international markets with top-quality maize as one of the top maize meal manufacturers in South Africa.

How much is 50kg of maize in South Africa?

Top Tech Feeds – 50kg Yellow maize R150 per bag 

What is the most popular maize meal in South Africa?

White Star Super Maize Meal is a mealtime must-have in most South African homes!

What is the best quality maize meal?

Super maize meal is the highest quality maize meal available and the most popular in the country, usually made from white maize and processed with equipment including a degerminator and roller mills.

Special maize meal is a high-quality maize meal typically produced from white maize.