Maize Bran Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Maize Bran?

Maize Bran Suppliers In South Africa

Top Suppliers of Maize Bran to South Africa in 2022: Zambia (56.9K tons) Botswana (31.5K tons) Mozambique (26.7K tons)

Is maize bran good for broiler chickens?

In contrast, broilers require high protein, calcium, metabolizable energy, and less fiber in their feed.

Therefore, it can be concluded that soya bean-maize bran, which has all these requirements for layers and broiler feed, can be used.

What is maize bran use for?

Maize bran and hominy feed are primarily used as sources of energy for ruminants. They are less expensive than maize grain and,

depending on their chemical composition, their nutritional value may allow a performance slightly lower, equal to, or even better than the whole grain.

What is the best way to use maize bran?

But as far as your farming interests are concerned, it is important to note that maize bran is high in energy and low in protein.

It is therefore an excellent energy source for your meat and egg-laying birds, cattle, pigs, horses, rabbits and even fish!