List Of Private Ambulance Services In South Africa

Private ambulance services provide exclusive services to their clients. The guarantee a more timely response in the event of emergencies- this is because since the service is not open to the general public, there are more ambulances readily available to the few clients they serve.

Find below are the list of Private Ambulance Services In South Africa

Kwazulu Private Ambulance Service

Address: Maxicall, Durban, South Africa.
Contact Phone Number: +27 860 247 911

Dynamic Emergency Medical Services Cc

Company Address: 698 Bodel St, Deerness, Pretoria, South Africa.
Contact Phone Number: +27 879411

Sozo Medical Rescue & Training

Contact Phone Number: +27 23 614 2628
Company Address: Avalon Place Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex 9 Market Street,

Ambulance De Vries Academy (Pty) Ltd

Company Address: 698 Bodel St, Deerness, Pretoria, South Africa.
Contact Phone Number: +27 879411

How much does a private ambulance cost in South Africa?

Ambulances can cost from R500 000 to well into the millions. Staff, equipment and many other items also cost money. Very few private ambulance services have any government funding, and if they do it is usually for specific requirements.

What are private ambulances for?

Private ambulances are being used by the NHS more and more to transport patients to appointments and hospital, and to respond to emergency 999 calls. But the Care Quality Commission (CQC) said it was concerned about the quality of care, staff training and use of medicine.

How many ambulances are in South Africa?

The state of the ambulance and EMS services in South Africa

This falls well short of the recommended 5700 ambulances, or one per every 10 000 people. In fact, it’s only enough ambulances to cover a third of the population.

Is the ambulance free in South Africa?

CAN I CALL AN AMBULANCE IN SOUTH AFRICA? The toll-free number for emergency services in South Africa is 10177. You can also call 112 from any cellphone. You will then reach a call centre and they will route you to the closest emergency service.

Who pays when an ambulance is called?

Do I have to pay ambulance fees if someone else called 911 even though I was fine? … A patient also has the right to refuse an ambulance ride if they’re competent to do so. If emergency responders arrived on the scene and provided you medical services, you are likely responsible for those costs.

How do you order a private ambulance?

How to Arrange a Private Ambulance

Contact the emergency department team on freephone 1800 283999.

Explain the situation and advise them you would like to arrange a private ambulance.

They will discuss the situation with you and confirm the necessity for private ambulance transport.

Can you get a private ambulance?

Private ambulances will take patients to any hospital of their choice. All hospitals are obligated to accept walk-in patients from both public and private ambulances. Private ambulances are required to have personnel trained in emergency medical services.