List Of Maize Farmers In South Africa

Maize Farmers are Farmers that cultivate maize throughout the world, and a greater weight of maize is produced each year than any other grain.

Find below are the list of Maize Farmers In South Africa


Address: Hildesheim Farm, R33, Greytown, 3250
Hours: Open ⋅ Closes 4:30PM
Phone: 033 413 9500

Ingredion South Africa (PTY) Limited

Address: Infinity Office Park, Suite 6, Block C, 2 Robin Close, Meyersdal, Gauteng, 1448
Open now Add full hours

Phone: 011 867 9260

Where is maize mostly found in South Africa?

North West province

South Africa is currently the main maize producer on the African continent with most production concentrated in the North West province, the Free State, the Mpumalanga Highveld and the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.

Is maize farming profitable in South Africa?

Maize farming is a profitable business to start in South Africa. There is very high demand of maize in South Africa. Maize is the most used feed grain in South Africa and staple food for the majority of South Africans.

Why is maize valuable to South Africa?

Maize is the most important grain crop in South Africa, being both the major feed grain and the staple food for the majority of the South African population. This is because maize also serves as a raw material for manufactured products such as paper, paint, textiles, medicine and food.

How much is a ton of maize in South Africa?

For the better part of the 2017/2018, local maize prices traded at export parity level of R1 966/ton, mainly due to a surplus for that period. For 2018/2019, maize prices have been trading between import and export parity with an average of R2 300/ton, however closer to export parity.

How many kg of maize will 1 hectare of land?

2,000-4,000 kilos

Per hectare of farmland; with this, you can yield 2,000-4,000 kilos of maize. You may need to consider planting alternative crops in alternating years, such as soybeans. Planting an alternating crop helps to diversify the chemical demands of your soil.

How much maize can you harvest per hectare?

The average yields of 3.5 tons per hectare on dryland and seven tons under irrigation will require prices of R900 and R800 respectively before a significant profit can be realized. Conclusion: at current price levels, a farmer cannot make a profit from growing maize.

How do you calculate maize per hectare?

Calculate Yield.

For example, if 2 kilograms are harvested from 20 measured segments in a plot, each segment is 2 metres long, and average row spacing is 0.75 metres then: Grain yield (kg/ha) = (2 x 10,000)/(20 x 2 x 0.75) = 667 kg/ha.