List Of CSI Companies In South Africa

Business and Arts South Africa (BASA) is an internationally recognised South African development agency which integrates the Arts into, and contributes to, Corporate’s commercial success. Over 17 years of experience puts us at the forefront of new developments in sustainability and corporate social investment (CSI).


CSI Solutions

CSI Engen

CSI Overview – Engen

Business and Arts South Africa

IABC Africa Region

Kwambele Social Marketing

Sarah Fox Children’s Hospital

What is the concept of CSI?

Corporate social investment (CSI) is external to the normal business activities of a company and is not primarily undertaken for purposes of increasing company profit, nor is it driven primarily as a marketing initiative, although it can help a company develop a competitive advantage.3 Rather, these projects aim to 

What is CSI funding?

We consider corporate social investment (CSI) an integral part of our business, and provide numerous resources, including equipment, volunteering initiatives and funding, to a variety of schools, community projects and other initiatives with the aim of stimulating and supporting social economic upliftment in Africa.

What are the benefits of CSI to the business?

Benefits of corporate social investment for businesses

  • better brand recognition.
  • positive business reputation.
  • increased sales and customer loyalty.
  • operational costs savings.
  • better financial performance.
  • greater ability to attract talent and retain staff.
  • organisational growth.
  • easier access to capital.

What is the importance of CSR in South Africa?

CSR ensures that companies conduct business ethically and responsibly. This means that you need to consider the impact of you business operations on society, including things like: Your company’s carbon footprint and environmental impact. Your company’s impact on the South African economy