List Of Buying Groups In South Africa

Group buying, also known as collective buying, offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase.

Find below are the list of Buying Groups In South Africa

ICC Buying Group

Eocene Group


Trade Intelligence

EST AFRICA (Elite Star Trading Africa)

IMS Holdings

Unitrade Management Services (Pty) Ltd – Durban Office

Unitrade Management Services Pty (Ltd)

Site 66 – Essential Business Centre

RSA Market Agents Joburg

Buycorp (Pty) Ltd

UMS Coastal

Blue Bottle Liquor Group


NASASA Stokvel Association

South African Health Products Regulatory Authority

The South African Breweries

How do buying groups work?

A buying group is an organization made up of small businesses that band together so they can negotiate as a larger group with vendors to receive better pricing and terms on goods and services. As a small business owner, money is always at the front of your mind.

Are Buying groups legal?

Buyer cartels are per se illegal but buying groups are subject to the “rule of reason” in antitrust law; yet, the two types of activity are hard to distinguish in a variety of circumstances.

What does buying group mean in business?

Buying groups combine the purchasing power of different businesses to negotiate better discounts that result in an item level price not attainable by most single companies. The simple fact is that the more you buy, the bigger the discount you can negotiate for.

What is a buying group member?

A retail buying group is an organisation which offers membership to small businesses. Becoming a member of a buying group offers access to a wide variety of benefits as it provides collective power.

How do you become a member of a group?

What do I have to provide to be a member of The Buying Group (PLBG or PDBG)? Membership is instant, following receipt of your Membership Number log in to the website and enter your property portfolio (at least two properties) that you own or manage.