List Of Body Corporates In South Africa

The body corporate is the collective name given to the owners of the units and common property within a sectional title scheme and this comes into being when the developer transfers the first unit to its new owner.

Find below are the list of Body Corporates In South Africa


Time Square Body Corporate

Chante Park Body Corporate

Summersands Body Corporate

Toyota South Africa Manufacturing Plant

Compeg Services (Pty) Ltd

ANGOR Property Specialists (Pty) Ltd

Oxford House Share Block Ltd

Whitfield Property Management Cape Town

WatchProp Property Management

Koelwaters Body Corporate


Fitzanne Estates


Whitfield Property Management (Whitfields)

Socius Property Management Services


Eagle Blue

Stonewood Properties

Do body corporates have to be registered?

In terms thereof, a Body Corporate (unlike a Home Owners Association) is not required to apply to SARS’ Tax Exemption Unit to qualify for this exemption. Instead, a Body Corporate must register for Income Tax and the exemption of their levies and other qualifying receipts shall be applied on assessment.

How do you manage a body corporate?

Management of a body corporate – Part 1: Financial management
Managing the financial year end.
Managing special levies.
Managing an interim levy increase.
Managing interest.
Managing reserve funds.
Managing contracts.
Joining organisations or subscribing to services.

Do body corporates pay tax?

Section 10(1)(e) exempts from income tax the levy income of a body corporate, a share block company and an association of persons. It also provides an exemption for these entities of an amount up to a maximum of R50 000 for all their receipts and accruals other than levy income (the basic exemption).

What is body corporate responsible for?

The body corporate: maintains, manages and controls the common property on behalf of owners. decides the amounts to be paid by the owners to make sure the body corporate can operate. makes and enforces its own rules, called by-laws, which tell owners and other people who live in the scheme what they can and cannot do.

What are body corporate rules?

The body corporate operational rules replaced the old “body corporate rules”. They are a set of default rules which can be added to or amended to suit the individual characteristics of a development. All unit owners, occupiers and tenants must comply with the operational rules