What are Layer Cages?
Layer cages, or battery cages, are galvanized wire cages for chickens. They are used in poultry houses, specifically layer houses, for the easy management of hens and the eggs they lay.
Layer Cages Prices In South Africa
R 3 700
egg layer chicken 4-tier caging system for 2550 birds
R 43 000
How many chickens are in a layer cage?
Layer cages come in various sizes. The older layer cage design allows for a maximum of 5 hens per bay. The layer cages consist of 24nests – 12on each side across 2sides. This means you will be able to place between 96birds and 120 birds in a single-layer cage unit.
Is a battery cage good for layers?
Layers are raised in battery cages for the following reasons; The system helps you keep birds within a small space and allows very limited movement. This makes the chickens conserve their energy and hence enjoy an increase in production level. It provides comfort and stability for the birds.
How long do caged chickens live?
When the number of eggs a hen lays drops below a profitable level she is of no more use to the farmer. She is removed from her cage and transported to the slaughterhouse. This usually occurs at around 18 months of age, at just a fraction of a hen’s natural lifespan of around 7 to 15 years.
What are the disadvantages of cage eggs?
What Are Some Disadvantages of Cage Egg Farming? Hens in cage systems have reduced social interaction with other hens. Cage hens are unable to roam and explore as they are confined to a relatively small space. In most cage farms, the hens are unable to practice some natural behaviors like nesting and dust-bathing.