What is Human Rights Commission?
The Human Rights Commission is the national institution established to support constitutional democracy.
Human Rights Commission South Africa Contact Details
Website: https://www.sahrc.org.za/(link is external)
Email: info@sahrc.org.za(link sends e-mail)
Postal Address: Private Bag X2700, HOUGHTON, 2041
Street Address: 27 Stiemens Street, Braamfontein, JOHANNESBURG
Phone: 011 877 3600
Fax: 011 403 0668
Who is the director general for Human Rights Commission in South Africa?
Chief Executive Officer: Chantal Kisoon (Acting), Ms
What does Human Rights Commission in South Africa do?
The mission of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), as the independent national human rights institution,
is to support constitutional democracy through promoting, protecting and monitoring the attainment of everyone’s human rights in South Africa without fear, favor or prejudice.
What is the South African Human Rights Commission funded by?
The SAHRC is an independent institution and is not a government department, despite the fact that it receives its funding from the government.
Which organization deals with human rights violations in South Africa?
The SAHRC will help you if any of your rights in the Bill of Rights have been violated or abused.
Which organizations work for human rights in South Africa?
People Against Suffering, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP)
Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR)
Centre for Human Rights.
Dullah Omah Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance, and Human Rights.