How To Start Cattle Farming In South Africa
What is Cattle Farming?
Pastoral farming is aimed at producing livestock, rather than growing crops. Examples include dairy farming, raising beef cattle, and raising sheep for wool. In contrast, arable farming concentrates on crops rather than livestock. Finally, mixed farming incorporates livestock and crops on a single farm.
How To Start Cattle Farming In South Africa
Cattle Farming Plan
Do a simple analysis of yourself and the type of business you are going to start with. You need to plan with the type of cow you opt to raise and what particular type of cattle farming business you desire to operate. Since you are just a starter in such business, you always need to have in mind of keeping your business small. Choose the best bread of cow that can give you huge profits and can effectively grow your business.
Land Location
The next step for you to do is to search for the best land location where you are going to let the number of cattle you have raised to grow and multiply. Choose a place where you are confident enough that you can easily raise your animal in such area. There are different places in South Africa where you can raise your animals properly.
Research on Facilities and Devices Needed in Raising Cattle
You need to analyze and determine your cattle farming financial situation. This is very essential to determine what is really needed in your business to let the cattle grow fast and healthy. Fencing, feeds or bale feeders and watering facilities are highly needed in cattle farming. Make sure that you have such equipment to assure that your livestock is in good condition as always.
Providing Healthy Cattle Vitamins
For your cattle to grow fast, you need to provide them healthy vitamins and even supplements that will be an aid for their growth and development in a healthy way. There are several vitamins and supplements in South Africa where you may always give your cattle to let them live healthy.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is cattle farming profitable in South Africa?
This could bring in R300 to R350 per animal for a further income of at least R30 000. At current slaughter or live selling prices of about R1 500, your gross profit would be R500/sheep, or R50 000 for the 100 lambs. You would therefore have made a gross profit of R95 000, and without the risks faced by a breeder!
Which cattle breed is most profitable in South Africa?
The Nguni Cattle Breeders Society, which was established in 1985, labels it as the breed that “produces the most kilogram of beef per hectare at the lowest cost,” making the Nguni “the most profitable and economically sustainable beef breed”.
Which livestock is the most profitable in South Africa?
Beef cattle are generally the most profitable and easiest livestock to raise for profit. Beef cattle simply require good pasture, supplemental hay during the winter, fresh water, vaccinations and plenty of room to roam. You can buy calves from dairy farms inexpensively to start raising beef cattle.
How many cattle do you need to make money?
As a rough guide, farmers can expect to make a full-time income from a dairy herd of about 60-80 cows, and a beef herd of at least 150 cows
Is cattle a good investment in South Africa?
Cattle is one of the easiest and fastest commodity to sell or find buyers . Cattle in demand as population are growing and can be sold every week . Farm is near offset point and auction house , safe and easy investment. The farm is running at a profit and enough cattle in value so no risk.
What is the cheapest livestock to raise?
Chickens are a terrific way to start raising animals on a small farm. They’re hardy, easy to take care of, and don’t cost much in terms of setup. 2 A small flock can easily produce enough eggs to meet all a family’s egg requirements, and a flock of a few dozen can generate a nice little egg business.
What breed of cattle brings the most money in South Africa?
What breed of cattle is most profitable?
- Angus: This is the most popular breed of beef cattle.
- Highland Cattle: Though they are not as popular as they once were, they are still in demand by people who know love their meat.
- Hereford: They can survive in almost all climatic conditions.
How long does it take to raise a cow for slaughter?
Butchering cows, however, is complicated and requires a specific skill set and tools, so it is important to know where you will process your beef. If you are raising a cow for beef, Robbins said that grass-fed cows will be ready to eat at around 28 to 30 months, while grain-fed cows can be ready by 15 to 16 months.
What equipment is needed for a cattle farm?
Basic equipment includes feeders, water tubs or watering systems, and health care equipment. Because safety is a concern when managing these large animals, beef cattle operations should also have equipment for handling cattle.
What is the best grain to feed cattle?
Corn, oats, and barley are the primary grains fed to cattle. Oats, which has a lower energy value due to its high fiber content, is considered the “safest” grain in regards to potential digestive disturbances.
Can cows live on grass alone?
Many people still think that dairy cows consume grass and grass alone. They have that idyllic image of black and white cows out in a green pasture next to a red barn. While some cows can sustain many of their needs on grass alone, they are usually the non-lactating cows (i.e., cows that aren’t producing milk).
How much grain does a cow need a day?
Cows will voluntarily consume about 2 percent of their body weight or 24 pounds per day. The 24 pounds is based on 100 percent dry matter
What happens when a cow eats too much corn?
Because it’s not natural for cows to eat large quantities of corn, animals raised on it are more likely to suffer from health issues. The most common include bloat, or possibly fatal amounts of excess gas, and liver abscesses.