How To Start Agriculture Business In South Africa

How To Start Agriculture Business In South Africa

What is Agriculture business?

Agribusiness is a combination of the words “agriculture” and “business” and refers to any business related to farming and farming-related commercial activities. Agribusiness involves all the steps required to send an agricultural good to market, namely production, processing, and distribution.

How To Start Agriculture Business In South Africa
1. Know your climate – Before you start farming you need to understand the climate and the soil type.

2. Know your soil – Soil is incredibly important for crop production and you’ll have to invest in ways to keep your soil healthy if you want high crop yields.

3. Choose your crops – It is advisable to always check the kind of crops suitable for your farm soil. While looking for the one you want to venture into, it is important to consider the ones that can easily be sold out around your locality. 

4. Get the Necessary Equipment  – Getting the necessary equipment for your vegetable farming depends on the scale of your operation. Your scale of operation will determine whether you need to get farming tools and machines such as planters, tractors, manure spreader, capable bakkies, etc. 

5. Get your Start-Up Capital – There are some ways you can raise up your start-up capital. But if you have a very small amount of funds, you can start it on a low key and expand it when you start making profits. If you are planning to start it in a bigger way, then you apply for a loan from the bank. 

6. Pest and Diseases Control – Vegetable crops can also be affected by pests and diseases. Therefore it is important to check on your crops for pests and diseases. Applying a pest and diseases control depends on the level of it has affected or the level of its damage to the crop. 

7. Harvesting – Harvesting your vegetable crops should be one of the things to consider while choosing to grow vegetables. It may require hiring laborers, though depends on the type of vegetable crop you decide to plant. Your vegetable crop can be harvested with the following means: 

Harvesting by machinery: harvesting your crop with a machine does not require many laborers but the takes too much capital for the machinery, such crops include corn, carrots, processing tomatoes, and potatoes. 

8. Chemical Control  – The amount of chemical required for vegetable farming depends on the levels of pest present in it. Some organism is great resistance to some chemicals, therefore it is necessary to reduce the development of the resistance.  Vegetable farming has various resistance plans that have been created. Chemical labels help to provides information on how to reduce resistance. And this includes reducing the number of chemicals applied to a crop and rotating chemical groups. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which agriculture is most profitable in South Africa?

Macadamia nuts are hard to beat when it comes to the most lucrative crop per land area used in South Africa. According to statistics from the SA Macadamia Growers’ Association (Samac), the average export price for macadamia kernels in 2017 was R224.

How much does it cost to farm in South Africa?

The average price for high-potential arable grain production landfalls is between R40 000/ ha and R50 000/ ha, Karoo grazing farms go for about R2 000/ ha, and irrigated farms go for between R150 000/ ha and R200 000/ha.

What crops are in demand in South Africa?

The most demanded vegetables in the country are lettuce, chicory, pumpkins, tomatoes, and carrots. Apart from these, leafy vegetables, like cleome, amaranth, blackjack, and Jew’s mallow, which are locally produced, are also consumed in the country. Most of the country’s oilseed demand is met by domestic production.

How much is a 1 hectare land in South Africa?

The average price for high-potential arable grain production land falls between R40 000/ ha and R50 000/ ha, Karoo grazing farms go for about R2 000/ ha, and irrigated farms go for between R150 000/ ha and R200 000/ha.

How much money do farmers make in South Africa?

The average pay for a Crop Farmer is ZAR 295,454 a year and ZAR 142 an hour in South Africa. The average salary range for a Crop Farmer is between ZAR 218,274 and ZAR 364,700. On average, a Less Than HS Degree is the highest level of education for a Crop Farmer.

Where can I get farming funding in South Africa?

The Kouga Local Municipality is pleased to launch a call for applications for the 2022-23 Farmer support Funding. The funding is aimed at assisting farmers from the previously disadvantaged groups, aid rural development and contribute to economic growth.

Can I study agriculture without matric?

Pursuing this AgriSETA-accredited, matric-level qualification only requires a minimum grade 10 qualification. (A passion for agriculture and for helping build Mzansi’s future is not required, but it would certainly help!)

How do I get a government farm in South Africa?

Applicants who want to farm may apply for an LRAD grant, but have to make a contribution, either in cash or in labour, to a minimum of R5 000 – more if the grant is larger. Grants vary from a minimum of R20 000 to a maximum of R100 000. Individuals or groups may apply.