How To Start A Vegetable Farm Business In South Africa

How To Start A Vegetable Farm Business In South Africa

What is vegetable farm?

Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally.

How To Start A Vegetable Farm Business In South Africa

  1. Choose the best Species

It is advisable to always check the kind of vegetables you will like to venture into. While looking for the one you want to venture into, it is important to consider the ones that can easily be sold out around your locality. Vegetables can include artichoke, eggplant, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, Spanish vegetable, okro known as ladies’ fingers or ochro and scientifically known as Abelmoschus esculentus, green vegetable, Cauliflower, etc. 

There are various types of fruits and vegetables to select from; deciding on the right one will lead to a successful vegetable farming business. 

2. Get a Suitable Farmland

Finding suitable farmland is very essential when starting this kind of farming business, you should also try and know about different kinds of soil and its properties, in order to choose the best soil suitable for planting. 

It is important to consider the following while choosing land for your vegetable farming; which includes its soil type, the topography of the land, demographic, its access to sunlight and water. 

Loamy or humus soils is regarded to be the best soil type for vegetable planting, due to high nutrients present in it that helps the proper growth of vegetables. 

3. Get the Necessary Equipment 

Getting the necessary equipment for your vegetable farming depends on the scale of your operation.

Your scale of operation will determine whether you need to get farming tools and machines such as planters, tractors, manure spreader, capable bakkies, etc. 

Farming equipment helps to increase the productivity of your farm. If you are planning a small scale of operation, you may consider the following farming tools such as hoe, plow, including other garden equipment.

4. Get your Start-Up Capital

There are some ways you can raise up your start-up capital. But if you have a very small amount of funds, you can start it on a low key and expand it when you start making profits. If you are planning to start it in a bigger way, then you apply for a loan from the bank. 

Getting a suitable land for this farming business will take a lot of expenses, the seeds are also expensive and you will also need to buy some additional materials like pesticides, fertilizers, watering systems and others.    

5. Pest and Diseases Control

Vegetable crops can also be affected by pests and diseases. Therefore it is important to check on your crops for pests and diseases. 

Applying a pest and diseases control depends on the level of it has affected or the level of its damage to the crop. 

You can check on the crop to know if there is any presence of diseases and pests, by setting a trap for a particular pest and then check on it regularly. 

Some of the traps you can use are Pheromone trap (a hormone that attracts male insects) serves as a trap for pests like a diamond back moth, and Sticky yellow traps that serve as a trap for insects like aphids or thrips. Traps help the grower to know the presence and indication levels of the pest on the farm.

6. Harvesting 

Harvesting your vegetable crops should be one of the things to consider while choosing to grow vegetables. It may require hiring laborers, though depends on the type of vegetable crop you decide to plant. 

Your vegetable crop can be harvested with the following means: 

Harvesting by machinery: harvesting your crop with a machine does not require many laborers but the takes too much capital for the machinery, such crops include corn, carrots, processing tomatoes, and potatoes. 

Harvesting by hand: this demands few laborers, though it can be managed by your family members depending on the size of your operation, and the perish ability of the crop should be considered and how fast it needs to be harvested after it matures, an example of such crops are pumpkins.  

Some crops require pruning and harvesting by hand continuously and this type of crop may yield for a long time, examples of such crops are squash, snow peas, eggplant and asparagus. 

7. Climate

Climate variability is one of the things to consider in vegetable planting. It is highly beyond control, unless if you are planning to create protected cropping like shade house production or glasshouse. 

Climate will help you to know the crops that can be grown and the best time of the year to grow it. Some crops is likely to be frost sensitive while others are likely to require heat or lower soil temperature before the seeds can germinate. 

It is important to know that some specific varieties of vegetable crops like lettuce or cauliflowers are grown on specific seasonal times and conditions. 

The timing of planting some varieties of vegetable are specific, but if they are planted when it is not supposed due to bad timing or unseasonal weather it will result in not growing properly.  

8. Chemical Control 

The amount of chemical required for vegetable farming depends on the levels of pest present in it. Some organism is great resistance to some chemicals, therefore it is necessary to reduce the development of the resistance. 

Vegetable farming has various resistance plans that have been created. Chemical labels help to provides information on how to reduce resistance. And this includes reducing the number of chemicals applied to a crop and rotating chemical groups. 

There are many legal things you need to know when using chemicals, which includes sticking to the length of time after applying and when it will be harvested, having the proper chemical user certification and also the rules on record keeping.  

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

How much does it cost to start a vegetable farm in South Africa?

A basic packhouse may cost up to R250 000, excluding ablution facilities and chemical storerooms. GlobalGAP compliance, which is needed for certain markets, amounts to about R80 000. The cost of seed varies from R3 300/ha to R8 400/ha, depending on which vegetables are planted.

How much does it cost to start a crop farm in South Africa?

A farm is an area of land that is devoted primarily to agricultural processes with the primary objective of producing food and other crops; it is the basic facility in food production. On average, it could cost you between R20,000 to 50,000 to start your own chicken farm, depending on how big or small you’re starting.

Which vegetables are in high demand in South Africa?

The most demanded vegetables in the country are lettuce, chicory, pumpkins, tomatoes, and carrots. Apart from these, leafy vegetables, like cleome, amaranth, blackjack, and Jew’s mallow, which are locally produced, are also consumed in the country. Most of the country’s oilseed demand is met by domestic production.

Is vegetable farming profitable?

Vegetable farming in India is a profitable business. Vegetable farming is the growing of all vegetables for human consumption.

How do I become a successful vegetable farmer?

How to Start and Profit from Vegetable Farming Business

  1. Choose the best Species. It is advisable to always check the kind of vegetables you will like to venture into.
  2. Get a Suitable Farmland.
  3. Get the Necessary Equipment.
  4. Get your Start-Up Capital.
  5. Pest and Diseases Control.
  6. Harvesting.
  7. Climate.
  8. Chemical Control.

How much money do farmers make in South Africa?

Farmer Salary In South Africa

The average pay for a Crop Farmer is ZAR 295,454 a year and ZAR 142 an hour in South Africa. The average salary range for a Crop Farmer is between ZAR 218,274 and ZAR 364,700. On average, a Less Than HS Degree is the highest level of education for a Crop Farmer.

What subjects are needed to become a farmer in South Africa?

Prerequisite subjects, or assumed knowledge, in one or more of English, mathematics, physics and chemistry are normally required. Applicants may also be required to attend an interview and have basic farm skills. Universities have different prerequisites and some have flexible entry requirements.

Is egg farming profitable in South Africa?

Eggs are a key ingredient in many cooking processes thus making them a key feature of day to day meals. Starting a poultry egg farming business in South Africa is very profitable. The other beauty of the layers farming business lies in the fact that it’s not labour intensive.

How do I register as a farmer in South Africa?

Download and complete the Application for the registration of an Agricultural Remedy form. Make three copies of the form and post them to: The Registrar: Act 36 of 1947, Private Bag X343, Pretoria, 0001 or hand-deliver them to: The Registrar: Act 36 of 1947, Agriculture Place, 20 Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.

How do I start a farm in South Africa?

Applicants who want to farm may apply for an LRAD grant, but have to make a contribution, either in cash or in labour, to a minimum of R5 000 – more if the grant is larger. Grants vary from a minimum of R20 000 to a maximum of R100 000. Individuals or groups may apply.

Is vegetable farming a good business?

Vegetable farming business is a profitable business and this not only for a big farmer. It is also profitable for small and marginal farmers. A small-scale vegetable farming has the earning potential throughout the year.

What are high value crops in South Africa?

High-value agriculture is extremely labour intensive

They mostly comprise deciduous and citrus fruit, fresh vegetables, berries and nuts. This factor rises to 160 times for the most labour-intensive products: papaws, bananas, avocados, pumpkins, tobacco, strawberries, cherries, tomatoes and flowers.

How can I make money with a small vegetable garden?

Selling Vegetables Directly to the Customer. Choose the right farmer’s market. One way to make money from growing vegetables is to sell your produce directly to your customers at a local farmer’s market. It is a good idea to shop around to multiple different markets the year before you want to begin selling.

How much does a tomato plant yield per acre?

The farmer can get a total yield of 8 to 12 tonnes/acre. Tomato seed rate for 1 acre is 200 gm, whereas it is about 60 to 80 gms for hybrid varieties. The cost for tomato seeds for 1 acre cultivation is about Rs 300 for good quality seed.

How much we can earn from organic farming?

This innovative farmer has set aside one ha for research purposes (Dagar’s research lab). “Through this land, I want to prove wrong all those who doubt the profitability of organic farming. With a bit of hard work and understanding of nature, any farmer can earn a minimum of Rs 10 lakh per annum.

Where can I get farming funding in South Africa?

The Kouga Local Municipality is pleased to launch a call for applications for the 2022-23 Farmer support Funding. The funding is aimed at assisting farmers from the previously disadvantaged groups, aid rural development and contribute to economic growth.

How big should a vegetable farm be?

Generally speaking, 200 square feet of garden space per person will allow for a harvest that feeds everyone year-round. For an average family of four, plan for an 800 square-foot garden—a plot that’s 20 feet by 40 feet in size should do the trick.

How can I make money selling vegetables?

At most farmers markets, you must grow your own fruits and vegetables to sell, but you keep all of what you charge for your offerings, minus your stall fee. Because you’ll sell alongside other local farmers, look for ways to stand out. Develop a specialty, such as culinary herbs or dozens of fresh pepper varieties.

What crop is in highest demand?

From an absolute value perspective, the world’s most valuable cash crop is cannabis as well. It is followed by rice, maize, and then wheat.

Which province is good for farming in South Africa?

As KwaZulu-Natal is South Africa ‘s best watered province; it has a larger area of high quality agricultural land than any other province, and it is the national leader in several agricultural products.

Are cabbages profitable in South Africa?

South Africa consume more than 160 000 tonnes of cabbages per year. The growing and selling of cabbages in South Africa is a profitable business, and most emerging and/small scale farmers can succeed in this industry with necessary technical and financial support.

Do small farmers make money?

About 89 percent of U.S. farms are small, with gross cash farm income less than $350,000; the households operating these farms typically rely on off-farm sources for most of their household income. In contrast, the median household operating large-scale farms earned $402,780 in 2020, and most of that came from farming.

How big are farms in South Africa?

The average private wildlife establishments/farms are 4,744 hectares in size. Thirty-three percent of wildlife establishments are less than 1,000 ha in size, followed by 21% between 1,001 and 2,000 ha and 13% between 8,001 and 70,000 ha in size.

What skills are needed for farming?

Here are some examples of different skills you need as a farmer:

  • Problem-solving. As a trial-and-error profession, farming requires strong problem-solving skills.
  • Mechanical and repairing.
  • Interpersonal.
  • Time management.
  • Health and physical stamina.
  • Organizational.
  • Management.
  • Adaptability.

Do you need a degree to be a farmer?

Primarily, farmers are trained through hands-on experience and are not required to do tertiary studies. However, degrees and diplomas in farming or agriculture are available, and are an advantage when looking for a position in the field.

How many bags of feed can 100 broilers consume?

How many bags of feed for 100 broilers? How many bags of feed for 100 broilers for 6 weeks? A broiler would consume an average of 4.25 kg from day old to the end of the 6th week. So, 100 broilers would consume (4.25 X 100) = 425 kg or 17 bags of feed for 6 weeks.

How much does it cost to raise 100 chickens in South Africa?

How much does it cost to raise 100 chickens in South Africa? Depending on where you are in the country, a box of 100 day-old chicks will cost you between R850 to R950. If you’re buying 500 chicks from Momubaghan – who hatches her own – you’d need R4,200.

How do I apply for farming land in South Africa?

To process your application electronically, visit and register via the following link Manual applications: Forms can be collected from any provincial or district offices of the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development.

How much does it cost to start a farm in South Africa?

On average, it could cost you between R20,000 to 50,000 to start your own chicken farm, depending on how big or small you’re starting. It costs between R38 to R40 to grow a day-old chick to a point of sale, and one box of 100 day-old chicks costs between R850 to R950. For more stories, go to

Are chicken farms profitable?

The chicken business is very profitable, as people can use chickens for various purposes, such as meat, eggs, and even feathers. Poultry production is one of the most profitable sectors in the United States economy, bringing in around $35.5 billion in 2020.

How long does a chicken take to grow?

Between 90 and 100 days

Some chicken species grow more rapidly than others based on the genetics of the breed. For instance, many meat chickens grow quickly, while egg layers might be slower to develop. Ultimately, it depends on the hen—but the average length of time for growth is between 90 and 100 days.

How do I start a farm with no money?

  1. Get Experience from Another Farmer.
  2. Look For Deals on the Market.
  3. Start Purchasing Livestock Young.
  4. Purchase a Good Truck.
  5. Never Loan nor Borrow Anything.
  6. Stock Up on Everything.
  7. Rent Out the Best Farm for You.
  8. Look Into Possible Grants.

How can I buy a farm in South Africa?

You can apply for an unsecured loan of up to R25 000. The Micro Agricultural Financial Institutions of South Africa (MAFISA) scheme is set up to provide financial services to smallholder farmers. These loans are specifically for input costs. You can also approach a commercial bank for a loan.

How can I get free land in South Africa?

Visit the office of Rural Development and Land Reform Department and obtain the application form to apply for a grant in terms of the Land Redistribution for Agricultural Development Programme, from the respective department. Complete the application with required and relevant information.

How much is a farm in South Africa?

The average price for high-potential arable grain production land falls between R40 000/ ha and R50 000/ ha, Karoo grazing farms go for about R2 000/ ha, and irrigated farms go for between R150 000/ ha and R200 000/ha.

How do I get a loan to buy a farm in South Africa?

​​The general requirements for clients to access funding from Land Bank include:

  1. Be a South African citizen or a permanent resident holder;
  2. Have a clean credit record;
  3. A detailed business plan;
  4. Have enough security equivalent to the amount being borrowed; and.
  5. Be able to afford the repayments on a loan.

What vegetables are in demand?


  • potatoes – 63%
  • tomatoes – 61%
  • onions – 60%
  • carrots – 56%
  • lettuce – 46%
  • bell peppers – 44%
  • broccoli – 44%
  • cucumbers – 44%

What crops are in demand in South Africa?

The most demanded vegetables in the country are lettuce, chicory, pumpkins, tomatoes, and carrots. Apart from these, leafy vegetables, like cleome, amaranth, blackjack, and Jew’s mallow, which are locally produced, are also consumed in the country. Most of the country’s oilseed demand is met by domestic production.