How To Start A Tombstone Business In South Africa
What is Tombstone?
Tombstone, or gravestone is a stele or marker, usually stone, that is placed over a grave. It is traditional for burials in the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions, among others.
How To Start A Tombstone Business In South Africa
1.Get training
The first thing you have to do is to get proper training, training usually lasts a couple of weeks and a few months at the most. You will learn how to engrave different stones, from granite to other marbles.
There are multiple training centres in South Africa, training usually costs R5 000, you will also know which equipment to work with. It makes the whole process of starting the business much easier.
2.Register your business
After getting training and experience; you should register your business. Business registrations currently cost R125 in South Africa. It makes it much easier to get contracts, insurance and a business banking account.
3.Get operating premises
This will likely be the most expensive box to tick, it’s best to rent and to rent a place that gets a lot of foot traffic. That is usually a town, towns get a lot of foot traffic but renting can be a bit expensive, you can rent from as little as R6 000 per month on smaller towns.
Fortunately, there are not a lot of renovations to be made for a tombstone business, you just need to showcase the different tombstones. You also need a place where you are going to build the tombstones, which should be different from where you are going to sell them.
4.Get equipment
You will need a stone cutter, a Hoyer lift and a sandblasting machine. These will help in creating your tombstones. It’s possible to engrave the stones by hand but it’s highly inefficient, it’s much better to use modern machinery like laser.
5.Get insurance
A lot can go wrong while engraving tombstones, it’s best to have a liability insurance. Especially when you get workers, your workers can sue you for injuries and that can put you out of business, a liability insurance covers you in case of such incidents.
6.Market your business
You don’t need to spend a lot of money in marketing for this business; being situated in the right place will attract enough people to give you a good business. Those people are also likely to recommend you to other people.
Just put a sign next to your shop that makes it obvious to anyone passing by that you are selling tombstones. People will know where to find you when they need you.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)
How much does a Tombstone cost South Africa?
There is a fine if you do not plan on obtaining a grave. Based on your local authority, you may have to pay between R1 500 and R6 000. About R1 500 can be spent on a modest headstone, and R7 000 or more can be spent on an elaborate headstone.
How much do tombstone makers make?
Median wages for craft and fine artists were R49,120 in May 2020, but the lowest-paid 10 percent earned approximately R22,100 and the highest-paid 10 percent earned R112,930 or more, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
How do you become a tombstone engraver in South Africa?
To become a headstone engraver, you can obtain engraving or monument sandblasting training, but in the coming years, you’ll find that design work using computer-aided design or Photoshop will be more beneficial.
How much does it cost to make a tombstone in South Africa?
A typical headstone will cost about R1,000 once you’ve added in the cost of engraving and installation. Headstone prices can increase as you opt for more details, which can run between R2,000 to R3,000. Truly elaborate headstones can approach prices as high as R10,000, although this is not the norm for most.
How much does it cost to make a tombstone in South Africa?
A typical headstone will cost about R1,000 once you’ve added in the cost of engraving and installation. Headstone prices can increase as you opt for more details, which can run between R2,000 to R3,000. Truly elaborate headstones can approach prices as high as R10,000, although this is not the norm for most.
Can you sell a tombstone in South Africa?
Many funeral homes sell tombstones. Monument shops, as well as many cemeteries and memorial parks, sell tombstones also.
What is the cheapest price for a tombstone in South Africa?
The average cost of a standard flat headstone is around R1,000. But more detailed, upright headstones can cost between R1,000 and $R,000, as you’ll see with this granite headstone and another at a higher price point.
How do you set a tombstone in South Africa?
Headstones will be placed at the head of the grave and centered. Headstones will be placed in a straight line with the headstones to the left and right of the grave. The cemetery caretaker will place 3 stakes on each grave where a headstone is to be set.
What do you call a person who carves tombstones in South Africa?
A monumental mason is a stone carver who designs and creates tombstones to commemorate a loved one’s legacy. For thousands of years, monumental masons have sculpted natural stone into enduring works of art, such as the Italian masterpieces in the monumental cemetery and open-air museum of Staglieno in Genoa.
How long does it take for a tombstone to be made in South Africa?
Typically, it takes at least three or four weeks for the installer to completely create the headstone or grave marker and to place it upon the top of the grave. In some instances, the ground will need to settle before placing the headstone, depending on the climate, the time of year, and the weather.
How much is a black granite tombstone in South Africa?
Single upright monuments prices start at R1,950.00 and double upright monument prices start at R2,500.00.
What does Nee mean on a tombstone in South Africa?
Use the word nee when you refer to a person’s original, birth name.
Who can erect a tombstone in South Africa?
Only the person named on the Deed of Grant to a cemetery plot is entitled to put a headstone on a grave, provided that the cemetery allows it. If you do not own the Deed of Grant and place a grave marker on the site, the Registered Grave Owner is legally entitled to remove it or have it removed.
Can you change the writing on a tombstone in South Africa?
Whether the inscription has faded or the stone has cracks or chips, it can be repaired. Even a large amount of damage in the headstone can be repaired and restored so it looks beautiful for years to come. Some headstones can also be reused, i.e. additional inscriptions can be added on the existing gravestones.
What is a stone memorial called in South Africa?
Headstone – a flat, stab-like stone grave marker placed at the held end of a grave. Headstones may be used alone or in conjunction with footstones.
What does a monumental mason do in South Africa?
Mason. Stonemasons cut and prepare stone to build or repair stone structures. These may include homes, historical buildings, monuments, headstones and statues.
How long do you wait to put a tombstone on a grave in South Africa?
Since the ground often needs time to settle, it is advised that you wait about six months before you erect any kind of memorial.
What are black tombstones made of?
Most gravestones made over the last few centuries are made of a few types of rock: marble, slate, and granite are the big three. Sometimes you run into darker stones made of gabbro, maybe a few sandstone markers, but especially in more recent monuments, marble and granite (and other plutonic rocks) rule the roost.
Who owns the deeds to a grave in South Africa?
The Registered Owner of the Deed of Exclusive Right of Burial has the automatic right to be buried in the grave; they may also allow others to be buried in the grave (space permitting). They do not, however, own the land itself. The ownership of the cemetery land remains with the Council.
Do you need planning permission for a tombstone ?
A permit to erect a headstone is required in most cases. The stonemason will apply for a permit on your behalf and only when permission is granted can work be started on the grave.