How To Own A Security Company In South Africa

How To Own A Security Company In South Africa

Here are the specific documents that every South African company needs if they want to employ staff and comply with SARS’s basic requirements.

  • A CIPC Registered Company.
  • A Tax Clearance Certificate,
  • VAT Registration Number.
  • PAYE Number.
  • UIF and COID Registration (if applicable)
  • A fixed, immovable office location.
  • A 1-year business plan.

How much does it cost to register a security company in South Africa?

Security Company Registration Requirements

Each director must have a minimum grade B Psira certificate. PSIRA Company Registration Fees: The PSIRA Business registration fee payable to PSIRA for 2023 is R7500.

Can a foreigner own a security company in South Africa?

On 28 September 2021, the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Act, 2014 received assent. Among other issues, the Amendment Act introduces a requirement that private security companies be owned and controlled to at least 51% by South African citizens, subject to derogation.

How much does private security cost in South Africa?

Rates for different types of security guards

Guard ClassHourly Rate24-Hour Rate
UnarmedR100 – R150R2 400 – R3 600
ArmedR120 – R180R2 880 – R4 320
SupervisorR150 – R200R3 600 – R4 800
Dog HandlerR200 – R250R4 800 – R6000