How To Make Money From Maize Farming In South Africa

How To Make Money From Maize Farming In South Africa

What is Maize Farming?

Maize (Zea mays L.) is the principal staple crop, produced and consumed by most farming households in Ghana. It is produced predominantly by smallholder resource poor farmers under rain-fed conditions. The crop is well adapted and grows in most of the ecological zones of Ghana including the northern savannah.

How To Make Money From Maize Farming In South Africa

 How To Make Huge Profit From Maize Farming · 1. Selling directly to consumers · 2. Selling wholesale in the market · 3. Selling to traders in towns. Cultivation Requirements of Maize. The soil for maize farming should have effective depth, good internal drainage, favorable morphological properties, and balanced nutrient content. Healthy maize cultivation is possible in soils with a clay content of less than 10% sand soils or in excess of 30% in clay-loam soils.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is maize and why is it important?

Maize or corn (Zea mays L.) is an important cereal crop of the world. It is a source of nutrition as well as phytochemical compounds. Phytochemicals play an important role in preventing chronic diseases. It contains various major phytochemicals such as carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and phytosterols.

Is selling maize profitable?

Depending on the time of the year and market price will determine if you will harvest fresh or dry(for grain). Sometimes, dried shelled maize is by far more profitable than selling fresh. Right now a tonne(1,000kg) sales for about N150,000. While Fresh maize usually commands more money during the early maize season.

Is maize farming profitable in South Africa?

Maize farming is a profitable business to start in South Africa. There is very high demand of maize in South Africa. Maize is the most used feed grain in South Africa and staple food for the majority of South Africans

How much is a ton of maize in South Africa?

For 2018/2019, maize prices have been trading between import and export parity with an average of R2 300/ton, however closer to export parity.

How long does maize take to grow in South Africa?

It can take anything between 90 to 120 days for maize to grow to its harvest period, depending on the variety and climatic conditions.

How do I get a high maize yield?

  • 6.1 Plant early and effectively. 6.2 Practice seasonal soil rotation. 6.3 You must know the yield potential. 6.4 Ensure proper drainage. 6.5 Seed quality.
  • Increase profit by the adoption of hybrid Maize practices.
  • Cost and profit per acre.

How many bags of fertilizer do I need for a hectare of maize?

Maize can easily achieve 9 tons/ha (40 bags per acre) with the right agronomy and adequate moisture, but it does require adequate nutrition to achieve this. The amount of fertilizer required is best calculated by multiplying the target yield in tons per hectare, by 20-25 Kg.

Is maize in demand in South Africa?

The South African maize market is projected to register a CAGR of 4.5% during the forecast period (2022-2027). Maize is the major field crop produced in South Africa, and it is considered the staple food. As South Africa went into lockdown, the panic buying of maize led to uncertainty in demand.

Which season is best for maize?
Maize can be grown in all seasons viz; Kharif (monsoon), post monsoon, Rabi (winter) and spring. During Rabi and spring seasons to achieve higher yield at farmer’s field assured irrigation facilities are required.

What month do you plant corn in South Africa?

In South Africa sow the maize seeds from August to March or even early April in warm areas with late winters and no frost.

Where is maize mostly grown in South Africa?

Maize is produced throughout South Africa with Free State, Mpumalanga and North West provinces being the largest producers, accounting for approximately 83% of total production. Maize is produced mostly on dry land although there is less than 10% that is produced under irrigation.

What is the current price for yellow maize in South Africa?
The price in ZAR currency is 1.9746595. The prices of maize in South Africa per tonne for the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 were US$ 2.19, US$ 2.91, US$ 2.63 and US$ 1.48 in that order.