To view the status of your application:
1. Go to and click on the APPLICATION STATUS button.
2. Enter your SA ID or Passport Number and your UWC Application Number, then click submit. You will then be able to view the programs you have applied for and the current status.
Statuses are updated automatically and instantaneously as decisions are made. You will also be notified via email should your status change.
If your status states FINAL DECISION, it means you have met the minimum requirements for study but have not yet been selected. Your application is under consideration and a decision will be made based on the competition for space by 5 March (if you have not been made an offer by then or your status on the portal has not changed, it means that your application most likely has been unsuccessful).
If your status is PENDING or AWAITING FINAL DECISION or AWAITING DECISION, this means your application is still under consideration and no decision has been made as yet, should this change you will be notified via email and the status updated automatically.