How To Braai Chicken

What is Braai Chicken?

How To Braai Chicken


45ml braai seasoning

5ml brown sugar

5ml paprika

2.5ml cumin

2.5ml cayenne pepper

30ml oil

1 whole chicken


a handful of fresh, mixed herbs

80g sugar snaps, blanched

a handful of green tomatoes (optional)

⅓ cucumber, sliced

1 lettuce head

60ml garlic-and-herb dressing


In a small bowl, mix the braai seasoning, sugar, paprika, cumin, cayenne and oil.

Smear the mixture over the butterflied, whole chicken.

Preheat the braai stand when the coals are starting to cool down.

Place the chicken over the grid and braai for 30 minutes, turning every so often.

Mix the salad ingredients in a bowl and serve with the chicken.