How To Archive Emails In Office 365

What are Archive Emails?

Email archiving is the act of preserving and making searchable all email to/from an individual. Email archiving solutions capture email content either directly from the email application itself or during transport. 

How To Archive Emails In Office 365

In the list of mailboxes, select the user to enable their mailbox for archive. In the flyout pane, select Others, and under Mailbox archive, select Manage Mailbox archive:

On the Manage Mailbox archive pane, turn on Mailbox archive, and then Save.

How do I archive emails in Office 365 to a local drive?

Sign in to Outlook with your Office 365 account first.

Next, navigate to the email folder you wish to archive. 

Right-click on the emails you want to save. 

Select the Archive option from a drop-down menu.