How To Add Signature On Word

What is a Signature?

A signature is defined by the user’s affirmative assent to be bound to an agreement. Read on to learn what constitutes a signature.

How To Add Signature On Word

To add a digital signature, open your Microsoft Word document and click where you’d like to add your signature line.

From the Word ribbon, select the Insert tab and then click Signature Line in the Text group.

Signature Setup pop-up box appears. Enter your information in the text fields and click OK.

Double-click the signature line.

Sign pop-up box appears. At the X, type your name. Next, look at the Signing as: field. Select the signing certificate. To ensure that this is the correct certificate, click the Change button.

Click on Click here to view certificate properties.

The Certificate Details box appears. Go to the Details tab and scroll down to Key Usage. Single-click on it. The lower text box should now display Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation. If it does, then this is the right certificate. Click OK.

If this is the wrong certificate, click OK. Then click More Choices to see other certificates. Select another certificate and repeat these steps until you find the correct certificate.

Click the Sign button to sign the document. Insert your PIV card into the card reader. Enter your smart card (PIV) PIN and click OK.

The Signature Confirmation box tells you that Word saved your digital signature. Click OK.

How do I create a digital signature?

You can create a digital signature using Adobe’s e-signature solution. Simply click the review link and opt to digitally sign.

From there, select a signature source and name, then sign in to apply your digital signature. Next, you can preview your signature and authenticate it if you are satisfied with how it looks.

How do I add a digital signature to my Microsoft Office document?

Signed documents have the Signatures button at the bottom of the document.

  1. On the File tab, select Info.
  2. Select Protect Document, Protect Workbook or.
  3. Select Add a Digital Signature.
  4. Read the Word, Excel, or PowerPoint message, and then select OK.