What is Liquor License?
A liquor license is a governmentally issued permit to sell, manufacture, store, or otherwise use alcoholic beverages.
How Much Is Liquor License In south Africa?
The cost is between R15,000 and R25,000.
How long does it take to apply for liquor license in South Africa?
4-6 months
Apply as soon as possible because a Liquor License Application can take a long time.
(4-6 months or longer) You can apply on an existing premises or on a stand on which there is no building yet.
How do I get a liquor license in South Africa?
To acquire the zoning certificate and Local Authority Approval letter from Municipality.
To acquire the Tax Clearance Certificate and Police Clearance Certificate of applicant.
Secure a letter of consent from the landlord or lease agreement / title deed of premises.