How Much Does Ultrasound Scan Cost In South Africa

Medical ultrasound includes diagnostic techniques using ultrasound, as well as therapeutic applications of ultrasound.

How Much Does Ultrasound Scan Cost In South Africa

Single Price

2D  gender scanR350
2D early scanR350
2D FA Scan (18 – 22) weeks   R600
Elective 4D scan ( 26- 32) weeks R600
Fetal  well being/ growth Scan (23 – 40) weeks                   R350
** A 30% is added to  all pregnancy scans for Twin Pregnancies**
Carotid  Artery AssessmentR400
Lower limbs ? DVT R450
Renal Tract includin Bladder and ProstateR400
Upper Abdomen lowerR400

What are 4 uses of ultrasound?

Diagnostic sonography (ultrasonography) is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize subcutaneous body structures including tendons, muscles, joints, vessels and internal organs for possible pathology or lesions. Sonography is effective for imaging soft tissues of the body.

How do I prepare for an ultrasound scan?

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Preparing for an ultrasound scan

drink water and not go to the toilet until after the scan – this may be needed before a scan of your unborn baby or your pelvic area.

avoid eating or drinking for several hours before the scan – this may be needed before a scan of your digestive system, including the liver and gallbladder.

How long does an ultrasound last?

An ultrasound test usually takes 30 minutes to an hour. During the test, a trained professional: Applies gel: You’ll have a small amount of water-soluble gel on your skin over the area to be examined. This gel does not harm your skin or stain your clothes.