How Much Does Teeth Bonding Cost In South Africa

Dental bonding is a procedure in a tooth-colored resin material is bonded to the teeth.

This procedure is used to repair teeth, change their shape, or close gaps between them.

How Much Does Teeth Bonding Cost In South Africa

Dental implant treatment can cost anywhere from R20 000 – R200 000, depending on your unique case.

How long does teeth bonding last?

Dental bonding usually lasts between three and 10 years before requiring touchup treatment.

This can vary for each patient depending on personal habits.

For example, individuals who chew on ice or other hard objects may cause the bonding material to break.

Is bonding good for your teeth?

It’s even easier to chip a tooth if you struggle with tooth decay, bruxism, or deal with abnormal amounts of acid that eat away at your enamel.

Teeth bonding can help repair chipped teeth and prevent them from further damage.

Does bonding damage your teeth?

While cosmetic bonding is not permanent, it in no way ruins teeth.

After a few years, the material may fade or become chipped, but that does not affect the natural enamel of your teeth themselves.

Can bonding be removed?

Yes, Dental Bonding Can Be Removed – The Process Is Reversible! Dental bonding is an additive treatment.

It does not require any of your natural enamel to be removed.

Can you bond front teeth?

Most composite bonding requires only a little surface roughening or reshaping of the enamel.

We use composite bonding to repair chipped front teeth, close small gaps between teeth, and completely cover (or veneer) the front of a tooth for cosmetic reasons.

Is tooth bonding permanent?

To answer the question posed in the title, dental bonding is not a permanent procedure.

It does not require the removal of enamel, and the patient is free to explore other options later down the road if they choose to do so.

Restorations made with dental bonding can last up to five years with good oral hygiene.

What foods to avoid after bonding teeth?

To prevent fracture, avoid directly biting, with bonded front teeth, into the following foods: ribs, bones (fried chicken, lamb chops, etc.), hard candy, apples, carrots, nuts, hard rolls, hard bread, or bagels.