The mustang is a free-roaming horse of the Western United States, descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish. Mustangs are often referred to as wild horses, but because they are descended from once-domesticated animals, they are actually feral horses.

How Much Does Mustang Cost In South Africa
R 428606.42
What are mustang used for?
They can be found roaming free across the western United States but are also kept by humans in captivity and ridden like other horses. Mustangs have muscular bodies and hard hooves, which makes them suitable for scouting and trail riding, according to Horse Canada, a government-run equine website.
Is a mustang male or female?
Mustangs can be either male or female. The term ‘mustang’ means wild horse. It has nothing to do with the animal’s gender.
How fast is a mustang?
180 mph
The GT500 features the fastest 0-60 mph time of 3.3 seconds with a top speed of 180 mph.
Are mustangs the fastest horse?
Mustang. Mustangs are typically born as wild horses, and their unique lineage of being a wild horse aids them in being one of the fastest horse breeds in the world. The fastest mustang speed was recorded at about 54 mph. This makes the mustang a very fast horse breed!