How Much Does It Cost To Dye Your Hair In South Africa

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How Much Does It Cost To Dye Your Hair In South Africa

Master StylistStylist
Colour TintColour (50g)R500.00R500.00
Extra colour per 10gR100.00R100.00
Alchemic TreatmentR180.00R180.00
Colour Highlights/techniqueFull Head Highlights/Technique (150g)R1750.00R1500.00
Half Head Highlights/Technique (100g)R1250.00R1000.00
Mini Highlights/Technique (75g)R750.00R750.00
Per FoilR100.00R100.00
Extra Colour per 10gR100.00R100.00

Do highlights damage your hair?

Highlights and coloring — Highlights and semi-permanent dyes aren’t as damaging as bleach, but they aren’t without consequences, Mirmirani says. They can also change the inner structure of the hair, causing a lackluster look and dryness, especially if you frequently color to hide roots or gray hair.

Is it better to have dirty hair before highlights?

We have clients come in almost daily and ask if they should wash their hair before highlighting or coloring. If you’re coming in to get your color done, it’s better to leave your hair dirty ( the second day, the third day is fine).

Clean hair will prevent the color from properly absorbing into the hair’s cuticle.

How long does dyed hair last?

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Hair dye lasts about four to six weeks, in general. So it doesn’t stick to your hair forever — once your hair grows out the dye loses its effect and intensity because your roots start to show.

And this would be a good time to take a trip to your favorite salon to get it recolored or refreshed.