How Much Does It Cost To Build A Clinic In South Africa

What is A Clinic?

A clinic is a health facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients. Clinics can be privately operated or publicly managed and funded.

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Clinic In South Africa?

This is because the price of building a hospital (R15.77 or R 1.5 ) dwarfs the price of constructing a small clinic

 (R803658.45 or R 757,443) capable of serving a wide variety of ailments–not to mention it only takes a few days to build the clinic and months to place a hospital.

How do I start a clinic in South Africa?

How to Open a Successful Private Clinic of Your Own

Develop a Business Plan.

Get Financing.

Pick a Location for Your Clinic.

Obtain the Proper Equipment.

Staff Your Clinic.

Decide on Your Billing Process.

Market Your Practice.

Set the Foundation for a Successful Private Clinic.

Is owning a clinic profitable?

Net Income:

Total yearly gross salary for this primary care doctor who owns their own clinic is R4829159.50 per year. Total overhead excluding the doctors salary: 36% in this example.

For those of you who do not think this is possible, my clinic continues to hover around 30% for my overhead (excluding physicians salary).

Is a clinic considered a business?

The function of clinics differs from country to country.

For instance, a local general practice run by a single general practitioner provides primary health care and is usually run as a for-profit business by the owner, whereas a government-run specialist clinic may provide subsidised or specialized health care.

What are the types of clinics?


Hospital clinics.

Public health clinics.

Private clinics.

Health centres.


Family planning clinics.

What happens in a clinic?

A nurse or doctor will show you into the clinic room to discuss why you have visited the clinic. They will also ask you questions about your medical history, and may take your blood pressure and weigh you.