How Much Does it Cost To Become A Lawyer In South Africa

Lawyer definition, a person whose profession is to represent clients in a court of law or to advise or act for clients in other legal matters.

How Much Does it Cost To Become A Lawyer In South Africa?

Different South African law schools have different tuition fees, eg University of Pretoria charges R31,430 to R40,000 to South African students for their taught LLM courses and international students have to pay an additional R3,130.

How much does it cost to study law in South Africa?

This is expected to rise to R107,600 by 2025 and as much as R165,600 by 2030. Below BusinessTech looked at the cost of a year’s study at universities around the country.
University fees 2019: how much it costs to study in South Africa.

UniversityUniversity of Pretoria
BAR41 687
BComR42 600
BScR44 062
LLBR40 500

How long does it take to become a lawyer in South Africa?

four years

The LLB Law Degree should be completed in four years, however, should you attend the BCom Law Degree in addition it can take up to five years.

If you graduate with a law degree outside of South Africa, you will have to contact the NFA to verify whether your degree is equivalent to an LLB in South Africa.

What high school subjects are needed for law?


Public speaking.

Social studies.



Statistics and data science.

What jobs can I get with a LLB law degree in South Africa?

Administrative lawyer.




Case manager.

Commercial rights manager.

Compliance officer.

Compliance specialist.

Which type of lawyer gets paid the most in South Africa?

Top earners include General Counsel (GC) and partners, both of which can expect to take home R5 million a year at the high-end of the market.

At the other end of the scale, candidate attorneys can expect to earn between R250,000 and R300,000 a year at top law firms.