How Much Does Fat Transfer Cost In South Africa

A surgical fat transfer is cosmetic surgery to move fat from one part of the body to another. It’s also known as a “fat graft” or “lipomodelling”.

How Much Does Fat Transfer Cost In South Africa

The total fees for fat transfers can range upwards between R10 000.00 and R2 000.00, depending on how many areas are treated and how much fat is harvested and injected.

How long does fat transfer last?

The Bottom Line. It will take approximately six months for your final fat grafting results to become apparent. However, once the final results have become apparent, they will last for the rest of your life. Your body will not grow new fat cells to replace those removed from the donor area.

What are the risks of fat transfer?

Having the procedure performed improperly carries an elevated risk of fat embolization (a piece of fat may find its way into the bloodstream), infection, clotting, bleeding, fat necrosis, and other serious complications that can be fatal.

How long is recovery after fat grafting?

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You should expect to be fully recovered around four to six weeks after the procedure has been completed, although some more intense procedures can take up to four months.

How painful is a fat transfer?

Fat transfer is not a painful procedure. You will be under the influence of anaesthetic or fully sedated during the procedure and will not feel anything. Afterwards, you will be given paracetamol to manage any mild discomfort you may experience.