How Much Does Dental Veneers Cost In South Africa

In dentistry, a veneer is a layer of material placed over a tooth. Veneers can improve the aesthetics of a smile and protect the tooth’s surface from damage. There are two main types of material used to fabricate a veneer: composite and dental porcelain.

How Much Does Dental Veneers Cost In South Africa

The total cost of dental veneers starts from R5500 per tooth and can go up to R9500 per tooth. It is classified as a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered as part of dental insurance plans or medical aid. We also offer flexible financing options and affordable monthly installments.

Do they do veneers in South Africa?

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It is more cost effective to have dental veneers done in South Africa compared to many other countries, and Durban is particularly well known for well priced dental veneers done by professional, experienced dentists such as the team at Family Dental Care.

Are veneers better than real teeth in South Africa?

Apart from the obvious advantage of straighter, whiter teeth, there are other upsides to dental veneers: As dental restorations go, veneers are affordable. They can do a better job than direct fillings, inlays and onlays and cost less than dental crowns. Veneers are also a more conservative dental restoration.

Do your teeth rot under veneers in South Africa?

While the dental porcelain used in your veneers will not decay, it is possible for cavities to form behind your porcelain veneers. When this happens, the resulting tooth decay will threaten the long term health of your teeth and potentially shorten the lifespan of your restoration.

Why veneers are a bad idea in South Africa?

Because applying veneers to teeth that are decayed or suffering from gum infections is never a good idea. The presence of veneers can make treating these problems much more difficult. If you do have tooth decay or gum disease, this does not mean you cannot receive veneers