How Much Does Actors Hiring Cost In South Africa

An actor’s job is to fully represent the character they are playing and to convince their audience that the character is real by engaging them and drawing them into the story. This applies to major roles and smaller parts, as all roles combine to create a successful production.

How Much Does Actors Hiring Cost In South Africa

According to a seasoned local actor, main actors in South African soapies can earn between R25,000 to R60,000 per month. R60,000 was at the high-end of the scale, and not the norm for main cast members said the actor. Supporting actors can earn between R1,500 to R5,000 per call – which is a 12-hour day of work.

How much do first-time actors get paid in South Africa?

According to a seasoned local actor, main actors in South African soapies can earn between R25,000 to R60,000 per month.

TV Actors Salaries
Newcomer – per month
Isibaya (support role)R30,000

How do I start acting in South Africa?

One of the most important things is to take acting classes and if you’re stumped about where to begin then we encourage you to join the SA Film Academy.

The SA FILM Academy is an accredited, non-profit, human capital development facilitator and training provider.

How can I hire an actor?

About booking Actors

There are a few things you should remember when hiring an actor.

First, find an actor who demonstrates his abilities well. Hold a casting call, and ask actors to recite lines from your production.

You should hire an actor that has experience in your type of production.

How can I become an actor at 13 with no experience?

Don’t move yet.

Take acting classes.

Further your formal education.

Join a local theater.

Learn about the industry.

Build your resume.

Take a professional headshot.

Create a demo reel.