The pilot in command of an aircraft is the person aboard the aircraft who is ultimately responsible for its operation and safety during flight. This would be the captain in a typical two- or three-pilot aircrew, or “pilot” if there is only one certificated and qualified pilot at the controls of an aircraft.
Below are salaries earn by a Pilot Captain Earn In South Africa
Average Base Salary
R599,232 (ZAR)/yr
Average Hourly Rate
R288.09 (ZAR)/hr
Average Bonus
R22,471 (ZAR)/yr
ZAR 419,948
ZAR 599,232
ZAR 751,972
Compensation Data Based on Experience
The average captain/pilot in command gross salary in South Africa is R599,232 or an equivalent hourly rate of R288. In addition, they earn an average bonus of R22,471. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in South Africa.
An entry level captain/pilot in command (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of R419,948. On the other end, a senior level captain/pilot in command (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of R751,972.
Salary Potential
Estimated Salary in 2026:
R832,629 (ZAR)
Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Captain/Pilot In Command will increase 39 % over 5 years.
Salary based on Education
Less Than HS 0%
High School 22%
Associate 10%
Bachelor 47%
Master 19%
Doctorate 2%
This chart displays the highest level of education for:
Captain/Pilot In Command, the majority at 47% with bachelors.
Typical Field of Study: Airline/Commercial/Professional Pilot and Flight Crew Training
How many years does it take to be a pilot in South Africa ?
Ideally, becoming a pilot should only take 3 to 4 years, the time it takes to get your Bachelor of Science in Professional Flight. Getting an education is also good for a consistency of training, so it’s preferred to wait to start your journey until you are in a certified school, like LETU.
Which university can I study pilot in South Africa?
Johannesburg School of Flying is one of the oldest flight training academies in South Africa, situated at Rand Airport, Johannesburg. We have been training World Class pilots since 1981 from all around the globe with over 3,000 graduates to date.
What subjects do you need to do to become a pilot in South Africa ?
The Private Pilot’s Licence (PPL) requires Radio licence exams and seven exams comprising of: Aviation Meteorology; Flight Performance and Planning; General Navigation; Aircraft General; Principles of Flight (Aerodynamics); Human Performance and Limitations; Air Law; and to complete, a practical flight test.
Is pilot study hard in South Africa ?
“Training to be an airline pilot is hard,” Chloe added, “and a certain level of intelligence is needed but my advice to all those that may feel discouraged upon hearing this: we’re all normal, yet diligent and motivated people. There are also presentations from major airlines and trainers.