A pastor is the leader of a Christian congregation who also gives advice and counsel to people from the community or congregation. In Lutheranism, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and Anglicanism, pastors are always ordained. In Methodism, pastors may be either licensed or ordained.
Pastor Salary In South Africa
Average Base Salary
R366,938 (ZAR)/yr
Salary Potential
Estimated Salary in 2026:
R509,857 (ZAR)
5 Year Change:
39 %
Based on our compensation data, the estimated salary potential for Associate Pastor will increase 39 % over 5 years.
Salary base on Education
Less Than HS 0%
High School 5%
Associate 2%
Bachelor 30%
Master 63%
Doctorate 0%
How much money does a Pastor make in South Africa?
R281,690 (ZAR)/yr.
Do pastors get paid for preaching in South Africa ?
Though many church leaders work without compensation, preaching is a career and most preachers receive a regular income from various church and other sources.
Is being a pastor a good career in South Africa ?
There are several benefits to being a pastor. This job can be very rewarding, affording opportunities to develop deep and meaningful relationships with parishioners. Pastors are often present during the most meaningful times in people’s lives, such as illness, death, and family conflicts.
How many hours do pastors work in South Africa ?
Surprisingly, the median workweek for pastors is the same in both surveys: 50 hours. That means the average workweek is greater than 50 hours for half of the pastors, and less than 50 hours for half of the pastors. Some pastors indicated their workweek hours but excluded sermon preparation time.
What do full time pastors do in South Africa ?
Pastors are considered the leader of a church whose primary role is to give sermons to church members. As the church leader, they provide counseling and care to their members and offer support in times of crisis. Their job also allows them to officiate at special events like weddings, baptisms, and confirmations.