A General Practitioner is a doctor based in the community who treats patients with minor or chronic illnesses and refers those with serious conditions to a hospital.
A General Practitioner Salary In South Africa
For doctors, while the average general practitioner earns about R476,000 per year, this figure skyrockets as you specialize, the recruitment site said. CareerJunction’s data showed that a senior GP can earn as much as R732,000 a year.
What does a general practitioner do?
Family doctors— also called general practitioners or GPs— work in settings such as physicians’ offices and hospitals where they see patients for acute care and general health maintenance. They diagnose injuries, prescribe treatments, order tests, and interpret test results.
How many general practitioners are there in South Africa?
Accordingly, the best estimates are a total of 17,802 GPs and 9,630 specialists in the country or 27,432 doctors in total.
What qualifications does a GP need?
a 5-year degree in medicine, recognized by the General Medical Council.
a 2-year foundation course of general training.
a 3-year specialist training course in general practice.
How long does it take to become a GP?
It partly depends on the qualifications you have before going to medical school, and the type of doctor you want to be. For example as a guide, it’ll take around 10 years to train as a GP (including medical school) and 14 years to train as a surgeon.
Can a general practitioner work in a hospital?
In such cases, GPs may practice in a hospital within the area of specialty under the direct supervision of a full-time specialist.