How Many Times Can You Fail A Grade In South Africa

How Many Times Can You Fail A Grade In South Africa?

Yes, you can fail a grade twice in South Africa. The second time that you fail, you will automatically be transferred to the next grade. While you can fail, it is not encouraged.

How many times can you repeat a grade in South Africa?

Government policy states that a learner may repeat no more than once per school phase There are four, three-year school phases, so a learner can repeat up to four times in her school career.

How many times can you fail the same grade in South Africa?

Currently, the policy is that a child can only repeat once in each of the four education cycles: the Foundation Phase (grades 1 to 3), the Intermediate Phase (grades 4 to 7), the Senior Phase (grades 8 to 9) and the Further Education and Training Phase (grades 10 to 12).

Can you repeat grade 10 twice in South Africa?

As policy now stands, a pupil may “only be retained once in the [grades 10, 11 and 12] phase in order to prevent the learner being retained in this phase for longer than four years”.

How many times can you fail grade 11 in South Africa?

“Schools are provided with the guidelines on progressions from Grade 1 to 11. The progression policy is quite explicit that a learner cannot fail twice in a phase. We will therefore investigate this allegation that children are repeating a grade many times,” said Stander.

Can you fail Grade 9 twice in South Africa?

If you have failed Grades 9, 10, and 11 twice throughout your High School years. You are still part of the schooling system, but you will complete Matric at the age of 22. If you have left school in Grade 9, but decide to go back at the age of 18, you will complete school at the age of 23