How Many Times Can A Fixed-term Contract Be Renewed In South Africa

How Many Times Can A Fixed-term Contract Be Renewed In South Africa?

This is not to say that it is forbidden for an employer to ever roll over a fixed-term contract. The employer can do this, say once or at the most twice.

If the contract has to be rolled over more than that, then it is either plain bad management, or the position must be declared permanent.

How many times can you extend a fixed-term contract?

Renewing fixed-term contracts

An employee can be kept on successive fixed-term contracts for a limit of four years. If your contract is renewed after that you become a permanent employee unless the employer can show a good reason why you should stay on a fixed-term contract.

How long is a fixed-term contract in South Africa?

What is new is what follows, namely, the regulation of the legitimate period and the idea of justification. So, an employer may offer a fixed-term contract or successive fixed-term contracts as long as it is forĀ less than three months.

Can I resign from a fixed-term contract in South Africa?

The principal remains that fixed-term contracts cannot be terminated prior to the date agreed upon unless there is a material breach or repudiation of the contract. The wording of these contracts should be looked at carefully.