How Many Platinum Mines In South Africa

What is Platinum Mines?

Platinum is typically found in underground deposits, and mining it can be a complex process, usually carried out in deep pit mines. Once the metal has been extracted, it needs to be refined and processed before it can be used.

How Many Platinum Mines In South Africa

Platinum mining in South Africa, or mining for Platinum Group Metals (PGM), is widespread on the African continent, and South Africa holds over 80% of the world’s reserves.

For investors interested in the PGM sector in Africa, South Africa seems to be the logical starting point. It has the lion’s share of the continent’s platinum mining projects – in excess of 80 PGM mining projects, the majority held by only 11 platinum mining companies.

Zimbabwe places second with 8 platinum mines and Botswana third with 2. The remaining platinum mining activity on the sub-continent is split, with Gabon, Uganda, Mozambique and Tanzania each having only 1 platinum or PGM mine.

How many platinum mines are there in SA?

Where is platinum mined in SA? South Africa is the number one platinum producer globally. Almost 80% of the world’s platinum comes from mining in the country. There are 89 platinum mining projects in the country.

Who owns platinum mines in South Africa?

Impala Platinum Holdings Limited or Implats is a South African holding company that owns several companies which operate mines that produce platinum and platinum group metals, as well as nickel, copper and cobalt.

Which province has the most platinum in South Africa?

North West province

South Africa’s North West province is actually in the north-central part of the country. It is known as the “Platinum Province,” because more platinum is mined there than any other place in the world.