How Many Fire Stations In South Africa

What is Fire Station?

A building where fire engines are kept and where firefighters work and stay during the hours they are working.

How Many Fire Stations In South Africa

 38 Fire Stations 

What qualifications do I need to be a firefighter in South Africa?


Driving license -Code 10 with PrDP.

Pass a physical test.

Must not be claustrophobic.

Must not be afraid of heights.

Do firefighters get paid well in South Africa?

The majority of Firefighters earn a salary between R3 399 and R12 012 per month in 2023. A monthly wage for entry-level Firefighters ranges from R3 399 to R6 377.

After gaining 5 years of work experience, their income will be between R4 406 and R8 877 per month.

Is firefighter in demand in South Africa?

Unfortunately, there is an abundance of opportunities for fires to occur in South Africa. The only positive side to this is that there will always be a need for firefighters in South Africa.

This offers a degree of job security for all South African firefighters.