How Many Days Is Compassionate Leave In South Africa

What is Compassionate Leave?

Compassionate leave is time away from your work that your employer allows you for personal reasons, especially when a member of your family dies or is seriously ill.

How Many Days Is Compassionate Leave In South Africa?

Section 27 of the BCEA provides that an employee who has been in employment with his/her employer for a period longer than four months and who works for at least four days a week for that employer must be granted three days of paid family responsibility leave during each annual leave cycle.

How long is compassionate leave in SA?

Full-time workers may take 3 days of paid family responsibility leave during each annual leave cycle (12-month periods from the date of employment). Family responsibility leave expires at the end of the annual cycle.

What qualifies as compassionate leave in South Africa?

Family Responsibility Leave is only applicable: if an employee’s child or adopted child is sick (younger than 18 years) upon the death of the employee’s spouse or life partner; the death of the employee’s parent, adoptive parent, child, adopted child, grandchild, grandparent, or sibling.

Is compassionate leave paid in South Africa?

Payment of compassionate leave

Employers are required to pay the wage an employee would have earned on that day or their usual pay during this leave period. Employees are entitled to compassionate leave for a whole or part of a day. The employer is entitled to request reasonable proof of the necessity of such leave.

How long is leave days in South Africa?

21 consecutive days

the employee is entitled to 21 consecutive days annual leave on full pay in every leave cycle. a “leave cycle” means a period of 12 months commencing from the first day of employment or commencing from the end of the previous leave cycle.