How Long Is Term 2 Holidays In South Africa

What are Holidays?

A holiday is a day or other period of time set aside for festivals or recreation.

How Long Is Term 2 Holidays In South Africa

Term 2: 12 April 2023 to 23 June 2023 (this means a total of 49 actual school days) 

How long are school holidays in South Africa?

There are four school holidays in South Africa: a two-week break in March/April, a three-week holiday in June/July, a one-week break in September/October, and a longer holiday of around five to six weeks in December/January.

What are the longest school holidays in South Africa?

The longest school holiday in South Africa, for both public and private schools, is from approximately the second week of December to the middle-January holiday.

How many terms in a year in South Africa?

South African public schools follow four school terms and public holidays set out by the Department of Basic Education. Private schools including pre-primary schools set their own school calendars, with either 4 terms or 3 terms with short mid-term breaks.