How Long Is Family Responsibility Leave In South Africa

Full-time workers may take 3 days of paid family responsibility leave during each annual leave cycle (12-month periods from the date of employment). Family responsibility leave expires at the end of the annual cycle.

What is family responsibility leave in South Africa in 2023?

Sick leave – Employees are entitled to 30 days of paid sick leave for every 36 months worked (the leave cycle), on full pay. Family Responsibility Leave – Three days paid leave during each twelve-month leave cycle to discharge family responsibilities.

What is family responsibility leave in SA?

Family Responsibility Leave is only applicable: if an employee’s child or adopted child is sick (younger than 18 year) upon the death of the employee’s spouse or life partner; the death of the employee’s parent, adoptive parent, child, adopted child, grandchild, grandparent, or sibling.

Who is eligible for family responsibility leave in South Africa?

Family Responsibility leave is three days paid leave per year, which full-time employees are entitled to if you work more than four days per week, after four months of employment, over and above annual and sick leave.

Is family responsibility leave compulsory in South Africa?

Employees are entitled to 3 days of family responsibility leave per year, should the employee meet certain criteria: The employee must be a full-time or permanent employee; The employee must work over four days per week; The employee is only entitled to family responsibility leave after four months of employment.

At what age can a child leave home in South Africa?

The Domicile Act 3 of 1992. Section 1. Age at which a child can leave home 18 This relates to the age at which a child can establish a domicile of choice.

How many days of leave does South Africa get a year?

21 consecutive days

The entitlement is 21 consecutive days annual leave on full remuneration, in respect of each annual leave cycle, and if an employee works a five-day week then this is equal to 15 working days, or if the employee works a six-day week then it is equal to 18 working days.