How Long Does It Take To Become A Physiotherapist In South Africa

How Long Does It Take To Become A Physiotherapist In South Africa

What is A Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease.

How Long Does It Take To Become A Physiotherapist In South Africa

The duration of the Physiotherapy degree programme is normally four years. Students who by the middle of the first year have not met certain performance requirements are required to transfer to an Intervention Programme of one year, after which they return to the standard programme.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a physiotherapist in South Africa?

To practice as a physiotherapist, you must be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). To register with the HCPC, you first need to successfully complete an approved degree level qualification in physiotherapy. This may be a full or part-time course or a degree apprenticeship in physiotherapy.

How long does it take to qualify as a physiotherapist?

A university degree is the most popular way to become a physiotherapist. A full-time degree can take three years and a part-time course will take six years. A two-year accelerated Masters course is also an option if you already have a relevant degree.

Is it hard to study physiotherapist?

Yes, it’s a tough course, and yes things will be stressful. But this course is so rewarding, particularly when you start to go on placement and things start to click. You are entering a career which is so diverse, you get to meet some amazing people and there are some exciting times ahead for our profession.

Does physio need math?

Maths plus Life Science OR Physical Science is a pre-requisite for a BSc in Physio, although I highly recommend doing both!!

Is physiotherapy better than pharmacy?

In my opinion, definitely BPT is a better course than B. Pharmacy. In the recent times Physiotherapy has been advancing and has received an increased demand in both scope and job prospects. Considering the advancements and scope BPT is to be preferable over B.

Do physiotherapists get paid well?

Introduction. Physiotherapy continues to be a highly sought after and respected profession. It offers reliable and consistent work that’s skilled, challenging and comparatively well paid.

Do physiotherapist earn more than nurses?

While the scope of physiotherapy is limited and usually student must have completed the professional degree for more better opportunities. Even if you compare the pay scale, nurses usually earn more than the physiotherapist and it gets increases with the experience.

Why physiotherapy is not a good career?

This is one profession in which physios are still struggling for an independent council , unlike other medical professions which have their own independent council !!!! There are very few physiotherapists present at this point of time and so , the ratio of physio to patient is around 1:8000.

Is physiotherapy a stressful job?

Moreover, in a study in which different health professions were evaluated (nurses, clinical assistants, physicians and physiotherapists), physiotherapists had the highest levels of stress [39].2

How much is a physiotherapy session in South Africa?

The best thing to do is to contact a few physios in your area. It can range from R120 up to R300 a session depending what you do, how long the session is.

How do I qualify as a physiotherapist?

You can do a degree in physiotherapy approved by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. You may be able to do a 2-year postgraduate course if you’ve got a degree in a relevant subject like: biological science. psychology.

Do physiotherapist are doctors?

Physiotherapy is a branch of modern medicine and prefixing dr to your name does not justify that you are a medical doctor. physiotherapist are just therapist which assist in the treatment by providing physical methods of therapy.