HB Meter Suppliers In South Africa

What is an HB Meter?

A hemoglobinometer is an instrument used to determine the hemoglobin content of the blood by spectrophotometric measurement.

HB Meter Suppliers In South Africa

What is the best HB Meter to buy?

TrueHb Hemoglobin Meter with 25 Strips is the most accurate home-use hemoglobin measuring device that you can use at your home’s convenience and privacy.

How accurate are home hemoglobin meters?

It was concluded that the Anemia Meter is more than 95% accurate and 96% specific when used correctly by patients.

How much can hemoglobin levels change in one day?

The range between the highest and lowest values in an individual through a day averaged 1.3 volumes percent;

the greatest range seen in any of the 23 observed days was 2.3 volumes percent, equivalent to 11 percent of the mean hemoglobin content for the day.