Granular Sulphur Suppliers In South Africa

What is a Granular Sulphur?

Granular or granule sulfur is a form of sulfur that is easy to handle, has a custom shape, and seems like pea grains

Granular Sulphur Suppliers In South Africa

Granular Sulphur Suppliers

Located in: Kya Sand Industrial Village

Address: 22 Elsecar St, Kya Sand, Johannesburg, 2169, South Africa

Hours: Open ⋅ and close at 5 pm

Phone: +27 84 954 3297

How do you make sulfur granules?

Drum granulation of solid sulfur is the most common method of producing dense, spherical sulfur granules.

In this method, solid sulfur particles or seeds are sprayed and coated with molten sulfur as they move through a rotating drum. Usually, the particles are coated until they reach a diameter of 2-6 mm.

What is granular sulfur used for?

In industry, it is widely used in sulphuric acid production, agricultural, medical, food, paper, and rubber industries.

Previously it was sourced from volcanic zones on earth’s surface or a drilling process using hot air steam.